I love eggs, particularly omelettes, and can eat anda-pav at any time of the day.

We're not in love with Literature all the time - especially when you have to teach it every day.

I don't have time for hobbies. At the end of the day, I treat my job as a hobby. It's something I love doing.

I love acting, but I have two little kids, and it's 14 hours a day out of the house. You don't get that time back.

I try to read as much as I can - all the time, really. And I absolutely love going to the cinema, especially during the day.

I grew up on the Beatles; I love Linkin Park and Green Day. I heard hip-hop for the first time at 11 and realized what I was missing.

I'd love to hold a koala. They sleep 22 hours a day, eat eucalyptus leaves and just hang out. I want to spend some time with that guy.

I love it when someone tries a recipe of mine and posts a picture of the finished product. Completely rewarding. It makes my day every time.

Writing is my love. If you love something, you find a lot of time. I write for two hours a day, usually starting at midnight; at times, I start at 11.

In the theater, you act more of the time. In the movies, you get to act maybe 20 or 30 minutes of the day. I love acting in movies. It's just different.

If you were falling in love and you could go back in time and relive a day and see the banal things you did that you'd forgotten about, you'd weep, looking at that day.

Alber Elbaz is just a genius. He'll be in a dinner jacket and he doesn't care what time of day it is: I love that about him. He just marches to the beat of his own drum.

I love teaching. If I made a trillion dollars, I would still teach. It's different every day. You get to meet intelligent people all the time - or at least most of the time.

I used to take 'Visions of Cody' by Jack Kerouac on tour all the time. I don't really love Kerouac, but that book, you could just open at any page and find something incredible for that day.

I can close my eyes and start walking through 'Hamilton' at any given time, and I'll tear up because I remember day in and day out, eight shows a week, walking on stage, seeing everybody that I love.

I tend to mostly take the day off from working on Sundays, but I do spend some time reading. Mostly what I'm picking up is what's in stores. I really do love to read fiction from the last year or two.

It's something powerful to receive all this love. In the street. In Congo, everywhere. But it's also hellish at the same time. When all that comes at you from one day to the next, it's really destabilizing.

I just think Valentine's Day is a day to really appreciate the person you love, no matter who it is, and to spend time with them. I don't think it's all about fancy presents or whatever. I think it's about spending that quality time with that special person.

Be very disciplined about dedicating some time - even if it is five minutes a day - to calling or talking to someone you love. That kind of consistency, even if it is just five minutes a day, helps to remind us that we have a well of connection in our lives.

I'm a big cardio guy. I love spinning, and I do that seven to eight times a week because I have time. What else am I going to do? I don't have a hobby. I don't play golf; I don't restore cars; and I don't have a fixer-upper house that I'm working on. So basically, my day is built around just working out. That's what I enjoy doing.

Looking after a disabled child pushes you to the limits of what you can cope with... physically, emotionally. It's because there's this baby, this child that you love more than you can possibly imagine, in some way more than a normal child because you worry about them 24 hours a day. But at the same time you are so, so proud of them.

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