Definitely, I'd love to do more in New Zealand if it was the right time.

I'd love to do something on Broadway. I'd love to spend some time in New York.

The challenge is to keep up with all the new poets at the same time I love the old ones.

I love to learn new things, even though I might not master it. That takes a lot of time.

I love seeing the new generation take something that we've done and reinvent it for a whole new time.

Love doesn't just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made new.

I recently went to New York for the first time, and honey, I'm in love with that place. I'm obsessed with its sausages.

I like historical fiction. I fell in love with New Orleans the first time I visited it. And I wanted to place a story in New Orleans.

One of the reasons I love horror so much is - when it's done well - you can keep peeling away the layers and see something new every time.

I love London in the rare parts of the year when it's quiet, and no time is more reliably quiet than the week between Christmas and New Year.

I love exploring New York and I think that's what is so exciting about it. You find places that you've never heard of or seen before all the time.

I love taking prints, embroidery, appliques - precious things that seem to be from another time - and using them to create a contemporary, new story.

I love how close New York is to Europe; I love the seasons, and I don't think I could live without them. They're the way I track the passage of time.

My sons, Azaan and Zahaan, make for scintillating company; they are both foodies. The three of us love spending time trying out new joints and cuisines.

I'm not an anarchist any more. I still love the Sex Pistols, but I don't want to be a punk rocker all the time, but I do want to carry on exploring new forms of acting.

I gave 100 per cent, 100 per cent of the time I played for Liverpool. Five years, I did everything I could possibly do. I love this club, but it is time for a new adventure.

But I absolutely love New York. Every time I go there, I still get excited. When you come over the bridge and you're coming towards Manhattan, I still get goose bumps every time.

I love archival films very much. I spent thousands of hours watching archive footage. Every time I see it, I see something. Sometimes I think I know this footage, but two years later, I see it again, and I see something new.

I moved to New York for love, and it was a disaster, in 2000. And then I had American friends who had lived in South Africa, and they were in Chicago. They said, 'Come and spend some time with us, and we'll help you get over it.'

I was a dancer for about 14 years. I was a martial artist for the same amount of time. I quit that when I realized I should probably not get my nose broken anymore. I love trying new stuff. Now I'm loving archery, and I surf. I just like to explore new things, I guess. I'm a big kid!

Basically, from the pilot of the first season of 'Togetherness,' I was strategically losing weight all the way through and then all the way into Season Two. So luckily, I had the plan, and I had a lot of time to do it. But it's definitely not easy, because I'm from New Orleans and I love to eat.

My favorite movies are the ones that are different the second time, or where you're constantly discovering new things. It's not just genre movies, either, and it's not just about twists. I saw 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' four times in the theater before I realized it's a love story. I love that.

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