My work is loving the world.

Poetry is meant to be heard.

All eternity is in the moment.

I know many lives worth living.

And I say to my heart: rave on.

Poetry is a life-cherishing force.

I like books that are fat and full.

It's not a competition, it's a doorway.

Attention is the beginning of devotion.

You must not ever stop being whimsical.

I believe in kindness. Also in mischief.

He is exactly the poem I wanted to write.

Do you cherish your humble and silky life?

I took one look and fell, hook and tumble.

Music: what so many sentences aspire to be.

Attention without feeling is only a report.

Apparently, I've been considered a recluse.

Things take the time they take. Don't worry.

Maybe the world, without us, is the real poem.

Be good-natured and untidy in your exuberance.

Joy is not made to be a crumb. (Don't Hesitate)

I'd rather write about polar bears than people.

The sea isn't a place but a fact, and a mystery.

Invention hovers always a little above the rules.

I simply do not distinguish between work and play.

A poet's interest in craft never fades, of course.

Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.

Look for verbs of muscle, adjectives of exactitude.

The sea is the most beautiful face in our universe.

I've always wanted to write poems and nothing else.

As long as you're dancing, you can break the rules.

Sometimes breaking the rules is extending the rules.

I climb, I backtrack. I float. I ramble my way home.

Love yourself. Then forget it. Then, love the world.

The face of the moose is as sad as the face of Jesus.

There is only one question: / how to love this world.

To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.

I read Rumi, the 13th-century Persian poet, every day.

Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine

It is better for the heart to break, than not to break.

One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began.

The language of the poem is the language of particulars.

I don't want to end up simply having visited this world.

Today again I am hardly myself. It happens over and over.

Who do you want to be in your one wild and precious life?

We do not love anything more deeply than we love a story.

And it can keep you as busy as anything else, and happier.

Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed.

You can fool a lot of yourself but you can't fool the soul.

We need beauty because it makes us ache to be worthy of it.

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