You have to believe that things will happen, you have to work and love what you're doing.

If you love it, and work really hard at it, it will really happen, I believe. I'm living proof.

I believe in saying 'yes.' I love to work, and I always believe that the schedule can work out if everything is willing to allow it to work out.

We love the Vice guys; we believe in them. We're investors. We believe in them, in the creative work that they've done... What they built is incredible.

I don't consider this hard work. I love it, and I think I get to make a difference. I really believe in Secretary Clinton, and I want to feel like I'm part of making a difference; I really do.

What I believe is to keep working. How a film performs at the box office is not in my control: what is in my control is my work, how much honesty I can bring on-screen. I am happy people love me.

I work really hard at trying to see the big picture and not getting stuck in ego. I believe we're all put on this planet for a purpose, and we all have a different purpose... When you connect with that love and that compassion, that's when everything unfolds.

It was a lot of hard work, but everyone loved my Amy Childs' Collection, so I decided to have a boutique as well as my salon. I love designing my own dresses, and everyone is loving the collection. I can't believe how well the boutique and the clothing online is going.

I was very young when I saw 'Gone With the Wind,' but I fell in love with Clark Gable. And when I got to work with him, I couldn't believe it. I still had a crush on him. He was quite an old man by then; he must have seen that I was head over heels, even though I was married.

I would like to believe that I am a collaborative actor. That's why I love all the directors I have worked with in recent times, as they are all collaborative directors. I think my constant desire is to keep bettering my own work. I don't get easily satisfied with my work; I am very critical of it. I learn from my mistakes.

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