Lights get low and that's when I have my brightest ideas.

A single profane expression betrays a man's low breeding.

Neither money nor position can atone to me for low birth.

It is better to aim high and miss than to aim low and hit.

How low, how little are the proud, How indigent the great!

Low views of God destroy the gospel for all who hold them.

Even very low-probability events can, and indeed do, occur.

Low pay generally means harder work under worse conditions.

You can certainly keep a low public profile if you want to.

Often have brief words laid men low and then raise them up.

My boobs are so low I had to put curb feelers on my nipples!

When duty whispers low, Thou must, The youth replies, I can.

Greenwich Village... the village of low rents and high arts.

Sometimes this high-tech world calls for low-tech solutions.

Some of your worst gangsters are guys who were very low-key.

I'm very low-maintenance when it comes to my beauty routine.

The worst thing about jealousy is how low it makes you reach.

I never rated my cuddle factor, but I expect it's pretty low.

I've never gotten too high or too low. It only messes you up.

Detestation of the high is the involuntary homage of the low.

Sometimes the Lord brings us low before he can lift us higher.

The appetite for more instant replay in the sport is very low.

Donald Trump appoints people of low quality, to say the least.

The tall, the wise, the reverend head Must lie as low as ours.

Customers want high quality at low prices and they want it now.

Tis the old secret of the gods that they come in low disguises.

Being a creative person, I want to feel the highs and the lows.

Don’t get high off praises, and don’t get too low on critiques.

Keep growing. Stay awake. Beware of gurus. Keep a low overhead.

I try not to get too high off the highs or too low off the lows.

No matter how low you go, there's always an unexplored basement.

Rev it High. Rev it low. I'm strong, committed, and ready to go!

All things move on, good and bad. Never get too high or too low.

Those who have achieved all their aims probably set them too low.

A deception that elevates us is dearer than a host of low truths.

Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent.

A huge adrenaline rush is usually followed by a pretty low point.

No living person is sunk so low as not to be imitated by somebody.

The fact that every part of this ship was built by the low bidder.

By nature, I am a low-key person and like being behind the camera.

I produce for a low price and I sell it on my own to 80 countries.

It is better to fall short of a high mark than to reach a low one.

Motion at low Reynolds number is very majestic, slow, and regular.

I'm going to take the high road because the low road is so crowded.

I still have highs and lows, maybe I don't cry salty tears as much.

Man never falls so low that he can see nothing higher than himself.

We cannot afford to lose the Medicaid funding for low-income women.

I think the West is in a low point we haven`t seen since the 1930s.

I was born and bred in a tiny, low-ceilinged ground-floor apartment.

If ignorance is indeed bliss, it is a very low grade of the article.

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