The attack on untouchability is an attack on this high-and low-ness.

All flatterers are mercenary, and all low-minded men are flatterers.

I really kind of set the bar really low, so I don't get disappointed.

The lowest common denominator of the universe is both low and common.

Society has low standards for what is considered good or great music.

The downward spiral of Dumbness in America is about to hit a new low.

I think you're only free if you're working on very low or huge money.

Women who set a low value of themselves make life hard for all women.

Life delivers far less disappointment when your expectations are low.

Until you came along I never dated anyone this low on the food chain.

Presley sounded like Jayne Mansfield looked - blowsy and loud and low.

I went to Washington to challenge the soft bigotry of low expectations

It is the gods' custom to bring low all things of surpassing greatness.

I've never been in a ditch so low that a run wouldn't pop me out of it.

Satan rejected my soul; as low as he goes, he never quite goes this low.

A man never stoops so low as when he rises to the challenge of politics.

By your own folly you will be brought as low as your worst enemy wishes.

Tennis is a funny game; unbelievable highs and the lows are just as low.

You just go through highs and lows as an individual payer and as a team.

All of us recruits are equal in the eyes of the Army: low as you can go.

Those who were high go down low, and those who've been low go up higher.

The price of clothes may be low, but they are paid for with human lives.

What can it be about low temperatures that sharpens the edges of objects?

Rome is all things high and low. It is like God, it accommodates so much.

Things can be low on the food chain, but that doesn't mean they're lowly.

I have a very low regard for cynics. I think it's the beginning of dying.

My life has been, I suppose, the most incredible series of highs and lows.

Florida was the low point.The entire state, yep. I'm not sure I'd go back.

My faith is what makes me strong. Without faith, there are only low times.

I feel so low that instead of picking myself up I have to cut others down.

As high as we have mounted in delight, In our dejection do we sink as low.

I have fallen, I have sunk so low. I have messed up, better I should know.

One marked feature of the people, both high and low, is a love for flowers.

Envy is but the smoke of low estate, Ascending still against the fortunate.

To politicize a man's tragic death is about as low as you can go, isn't it?

Heather and I decided we were going to be pretty low-key at the convention.

Once the pathological low self-esteem goes, that's when things go downhill.

I think the probability of a supernatural creator existing is very very low.

I have, I admit, a low tolerance for detached chronicling and cool analysis.

CBS's halftime show during the 2004 Super Bowl was a new low for television.

The standards have sunk so low throughout our culture that who really knows.

Keep salaries low and equity high. Keep the organization as flat as you can.

I've always had a middling kind of a career, not great highs and great lows.

I've always been quite a happy person, but when I'm low, I'm pretty darn low.

I'm an eternal realist and the success rate for being an actor is pretty low.

Each time I hit a low point I learn the most. Failure is the best university.

Anything that has low certainty or has a lot of impact should be tested early.

Everyone feels lost and low. It's how a person acts that makes them different.

I masturbate 'cause I'm the only one whose standards are low enough to f-k me.

In low-income countries, getting to a health post is hard. It's very expensive.

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