Lucy is such a perfectionist.

I really, really love Lucy Hale.

I grew up watching 'I Love Lucy.'

I was never in an episode of I LOVE LUCY!

Lucy and I would love furiously and fight furiously.

I would say that Lucy, 'I Love Lucy,' she was my idol.

We humans are more concerned with having than with being.

I love 'I Love Lucy,' and I have the DVD set of 'I Love Lucy.'

That’s Ash’s baby. (Kyrian) Lucy, you got some ‘splaining to do. (Wulf)

In Haverford on the Platte the townspeople still talk of Lucy Gayheart.

I remember watching 'I Love Lucy' from an early age, 'Laverne & Shirley.'

I grew up thinking Margaret Cho and Lucy Liu were my idols because that's it.

If I were a dad, I'd have my kids watch 'I Love Lucy' and 'The Honeymooners.'

A good friend of mine was Lucy Ball. Her mother and my mother were best friends.

The song 'Leroy and Lanisha' on my album 'The Epic' is really my homage to 'Linus and Lucy.'

When I was a kid, I had a rag doll named Lucy, whom I took everywhere with me. I lost her when I was 12.

Why does 'I Love Lucy' still make people laugh? Because she's a specific character who has real reactions.

How to do half-hour comedy innovatively is something I do pride myself on. We invented it with 'I Love Lucy.'

The most fun I've had on 'Burn Notice,' I think it would have to be working with China Chow and Lucy Lawless.

At times we were criticized for doing too much slapstick. I don't believe in mild comedy, and neither does Lucy.

Charlie Brown's good. I always had a little crush on that Lucy. I thought she was kind of a hot little brunette.

How I Love Lucy was born? We decided that instead of divorce lawyers profiting from our mistakes, we'd profit from them.

I didn't get on a plane until I was 23, after I left Oxford and was teaching at Lucy Clayton Secretarial College in London.

My wife Lucy was very sick for nearly three years prior to her death. At one time, I was in the hospital with her for six months.

The success of I Love Lucy is something that happens only once in a lifetime, if you are fortunate enough to have it happen at all.

I was raised on the purest comedy there is: 'I Love Lucy.' I was raised watching 'Three's Company' and sitcoms of the '70s and '80s.

I was always singing and dancing for my mother when I wasn't glued to the television watching I Love Lucy or the Carol Burnett Show.

The family is the focal point of our existence. And up until Jane and Lucy's death, there were always 16 of us together for Christmas.

I always wanted to do some sort of action film - even a superhero movie - and when 'Lucy' came out, I was like, 'That's what I want to do.'

I will never do another TV series. It couldn't top I Love Lucy, and I'd be foolish to try. In this business, you have to know when to get off.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be my half-sister Lucy. She was 14 years older than me and was impossibly glamorous. I grew up in awe of her.

My look was even more solidified when I started singing in Greenwich Village with my sister Lucy. We wore matching dresses as the Simon Sisters.

I was on the train from London to Paris, and all of a sudden it just popped into my head: I'm going to do the Don Loper fashion show from 'I Love Lucy.'

I would definitely trade clothes with Lucy Hale. Her fashion sense is right on point, and I feel like she's never afraid to take risks with her clothes.

I think my entire career path was determined for me when I was 6 years old, watching reruns of 'I Love Lucy' on TV and thinking about making people laugh.

I really hated school and so I just wanted to stay home and watch 'I Love Lucy' and watch the movies that inspired me to the point where we are sitting here.

The cast called her Lucy, but everyone else called her Mrs. Ball. She was honest with people. If she liked you, you knew it. If she didn't, you knew it, also.

Even as a kid, I'd have a recorder, and I'd lean it up against a TV and record 'I Love Lucy.' I loved hearing the audience laughing. It was really exciting to me.

Lucy brought with her an image of our human ancestors that you don't get when you find a jaw or an arm bone or a leg bone. Here was 40 percent of a single skeleton.

Lucy took care of me on the set, and made sure that none of the crew cussed around me. She also had birthday parties for me and made sure that they were well attended.

I have always loved fantasy; I think probably stepping through the wardrobe with Lucy in C.S. Lewis's 'Narnia Chronicles' was my first exposure when I was really little.

In our case, finding a Lucy is unique. No one will ever find another Lucy. You can't order one from a biological supply house. It's a unique discovery, a unique specimen.

My interest in Women in Film came from attending the Crystal Awards in 1998 where Meryl Streep and producers Gale Anne Hurd and Lucy Fisher were honored with the annual award.

The book that made a lasting impression was the one my mother gave each of us when she decided we were ready for our first 'adult novel,' Lucy Maud Montgomery's 'The Blue Castle.'

Planet Lucy Press? I incorporated myself to deal with publishing and was calling myself Big Bang Incorporated, which of course has to do with the Big Bang at the beginning of creation.

It's amazing, the quality of good work that happened in the fifties when a series would have to turn out 30-some episodes a season - it's amazing that 'I Love Lucy' was as good as it was!

'I Love Lucy,' the first classic, really belonged more to the Wacky Woman genre than the domestic sitcom; 'My Little Margie' and 'I Married Joan' were among the shrill, coarse imitations.

I was a tomboy. In my clubbing days, my friend Lucy Davies-Hunt - half-Iranian, looked like Yasmin Le Bon - could wear catsuits, while I was the one in the sweatshirt, jeans, and Fila boots.

People ask me who I'd like to dance with. I think that Lucy Fallon - she's seems... She's a good height. I saw her at a party once and I thought, blonde, yep - perfect. Lifts, we could work it.

The ones that I love of 'I Love Lucy' are when one of them decides they need something, and the other one is along for the ride, sort of as the voice of reason, and is helping and making it worse.

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