I think feminism has had a major impact on anthropology.

Nanotechnology in medicine is going to have a major impact on the survival of the human race.

When I was a teenager, I got into SF, quite heavily, and that too has had a major impact on my writing.

I think the Women's movement has had a major impact on everybody's lives in our nation and in the world as a whole.

Bob Rondeau - he'll never know this - but he was so instrumental. He is a legend to me and had a major impact in my life.

Sports culture has long had a major impact on American culture. The values taught and celebrated in sports are conservative.

In a relatively short space of time, Hawk-Eye has achieved a major impact in the way cricket is presented and appreciated by fans around the world.

The Watergate reforms did work well for many years, and if improved and broadened, these reforms can have real and major impact on the system today.

I believe that transatlantic relations are very important and that President Bush's visit to Brussels, in a few days, will have a major impact on that.

Being tall has a major impact in general. It takes some courage to be as big as you are - to live up to it and not be intimidated by the graceful tiny people.

Although it is still important to develop an HIV vaccine, we have significant tools already at our disposal that can make a major impact on the trajectory of this epidemic.

If a no-deal Brexit would happen like has been discussed, I think we would have a major impact in terms of our operations going to the races and getting our cars developed and ready.

The monetary policy of the United States has a major impact on global liquidity and capital flows and therefore, the liquidity of the U.S. dollar should be kept at a reasonable and stable level.

Traveling has a major impact on what I do, cause all over the world I'm meeting all kinds of people. And relationships is the second major impact that I have. I just enjoy the variety that the world has to offer.

I first decided to become an actor at school. A teacher gave us a play to do and that had a major impact. At first, I wanted to work in the theatre, but there was something about the ambience of film, especially American films, that always attracted me.

Human activity is having a major impact on the planet. We consume or have diverted a large proportion of the productivity of the land and oceans. Our hunger for land crowds out fellow species. Our waste products pollute the waters, warm the atmosphere and acidify the oceans.

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