I love alpha males.

Stubborn, snarly male.

Everyone is into male grooming.

He's a male chauvinistic piglet.

Power is neither male or female.

Power is neither male nor female.

I had both male and female heroes.

Deeds are males, words females are.

If God is male, then the male is God.

The venture community is largely male.

Objectivity is just male subjectivity.

The male quality is the creative gift.

You don't bite the women of other males.

An adult male weighs at least 200 pounds

I'm a little nervous of older male fans.

I've always had mostly gay male friends.

Male silence is not the same as listening

There are male as well as female gossips.

I believe that I am male and I am female.

Our pure awareness is not male or female.

My protagonists, male and female, are me.

We have to have positive male role models.

We are born male. We must learn to be men.

I understand why my male followers like me.

I have no prejudice against male or female.

I'm used to fighting and arguing with males.

I retreat to my cave in a very male fashion.

The white male is the Jew of liberal fascism.

Every male secretly wants sex with Brad Pitt.

Thank God for the white male power structure.

Adult males are what their moms designed them.

The alpha male is always willing to walk away.

Money speaks, but it speaks with a male voice.

My own favorite is something called Rogue Male.

Males shouldnt be jealous. Thats a female trait.

What does America love more than one white male?

Armies are dependent on youthful male ignorance.

Domesticated males aren't much use for adventure.

The gay male is always going to be at the bottom.

Horsemeat is the most male meat you can think of.

The guy is the greatest male athletes of all time.

Most males do not mature, they simply grow taller.

Useless, idle, exploitative male chauvinist drone!

Politics is traditionally a male domain in Russia.

Of course, the male-directed films make more money.

Male bonobos really don't fit the human male ideal.

I am a drug expert and the father of 3 black males.

I am still fully committed to male-female equality.

I AM a male chauvinist. Who's been saying otherwise?

I feel like I've exhausted guys and male friendships.

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