Margin is a customer concept.

It's a slim margin of error in this league.

The margin between winning and losing is slim.

What investors want is growth, margin, and cash.

The margin between success and drama is fractional.

The margin for error in the Champions League is tiny.

Sport's hard: the margin between winning and losing is tiny.

Acting is like a high wire act. Your margin for error is very slim.

I hate big shots of adrenaline. It means you don't have enough margin.

Be precise. A lack of precision is dangerous when the margin of error is small.

In the restaurant business, you learn quickly there's no margin in having enemies.

I support the death penalty. But I also think there has to be no margin for error.

My only model for being a father was my father, an illiterate on the margin of society.

Any investment bought via credit always runs the risk of margin calls and, eventually, liquidation.

Bahrain 's margin of freedom is growing day after day as we head into the future with steady steps.

Traditional media brand advertising is 65% to 70% spend; online, it's like 28%. You've got a huge margin.

By a considerable margin, my family's largest-ever financial expenditure was the adoption of our two sons.

I have to live up to my expectations - which is to break all the records that I can, dominate by a wide margin.

At the highest level, you are playing the best from an opposing country, so the margin of error is very little.

In the 1920s you could buy stocks on margin. You could put 10 percent down and borrow the rest against your stocks.

A first-rate organizer is never in a hurry. He is never late. He always keeps up his sleeve a margin for the unexpected.

All experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move.

Social-sector organizations have to be better managed than for-profit organizations... because they have no margin of error.

Margin trading will drive the lion's share of our revenue, which is like a loan that lets people have more money to trade with.

I wrote 'All is Lost' while editing 'Margin Call'. I did that long before I knew if I was ever going to get to make another movie.

Old Arabic books, printed in Bulaq, generally have a broad margin wherein a separate work, independent of the text, adds gloom to the page.

I worry about 10, 15, 20, 25 years down the road. Where are we going to be in this age of nuclear weapons, where there is no margin for error?

When a company is fairly certain of a profit margin that is substantial, it can assume responsibility for the clinical trials to develop a blockbuster drug.

I was playing rugby and the other games English school children do, and there was an event in which races were run, and I won these by a considerable margin.

While I do not believe Ford was wrong to pardon Nixon, the timing of the pardon was premature and may have cost Ford the margin of victory in the 1976 election.

It is not patriotic to decide to destroy a new president who was duly elected by an overwhelming margin. It is un-patriotic to resolve to destroy that presidency.

I was incredibly - I've never been more confident of anything in my life that Hillary Clinton was going to win and Donald Trump would lose by a very large margin.

I find comedy to be really scary, because it can go so wrong so easily, and the margin for error is so huge - and I guess that's what makes it funny, that tension.

As a writer, I had learned a lot on 'Margin Call' about embracing the weaknesses of a narrative and of a project. A story always has an inherent narrative weakness.

The results of a new study are out this week saying that New Jersey is one of the most livable states in the country. The study has a margin of error of 100 percent.

The most interesting stuff happens when an authoritarian government removes itself a little and gives this margin of freedom. And then art is grabbed with both hands.

Mr. President, I believe your real problem is that you have somehow been unable to realize that you have won, not only won, but been re-elected by a tremendous margin.

Price erosion in components is quite fast. If you can capitalize on that by bringing products to the market faster, you will actually gain a better margin realization.

I save everything. I have these carefully organized file boxes. Somewhere in there is a section of the 'New York Times' where I wrote 'The Border Guard' in the margin.

England is like the margin of a spring-run: near its source, always green, always cool, always moist, comparatively free from frost in winter and from drought in summer.

Will not a tiny speck very close to our vision blot out the glory of the world, and leave only a margin by which we see the blot? I know no speck so troublesome as self.

I generally disagree with most of the very high margin opportunities. Why? Because it's a business strategy tradeoff: the lower the margin you take, the faster you grow.

By strengthening the core of our business and leading in digital innovation, we will accelerate growth, enhance our margin, and deliver increased total shareholder returns.

That's sort of what we wanted to do: conquer from the margins, sort of find our place in the middle based on the fact that we were creatures of the margin and of alienation.

Touch is more important than arm strength. You want to really allow the receiver to run underneath the throw. It'll give you a little margin for error if you undershoot it a bit.

I won F4, and I won F3 - F3 by, I believe, the biggest margin in history and as one of the youngest drivers in history. I'm just pointing out facts. I'm not bragging or anything.

Campuses should be places where students are able to make mistakes without fear of retribution. If there is no margin for error, it is impossible to receive a meaningful education.

Drogba has been our great motivator. He never stops reminding us that we are here to win the tournament, no matter the hurdles, no matter the game form and no matter the score margin.

Ultimately, we've got to make sure our players understand that the margin for error is very small against these top teams in the world, and we've been punished several times for that.

People acknowledge you and applaud and it makes you more passionate about the game. It gives you proper recognition and if you perform well its increases your respect by a huge margin.

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