He vanished to the public in order to materialize for his family.

I'm always working on stuff. But they never materialize. I'm always working on movies and TV shows.

Should that worse scenario materialize, then most probably our propensity to increase interest rates will be weaker.

Like every other athlete, I always dreamt of playing at the Olympics, and it feels really good to see that dream materialize.

I obviously work really hard. But I also have the capacity to dream really big and have the discipline to materialize those dreams.

No matter how much the private sector crows that corporate tax breaks will lead to more jobs or robust economic activity, such benefits rarely materialize.

But the real focus should be on people who are buying today because the base is so big it will take a long time for any change materialize on an overall basis.

Writing in the electronic world, you imagine a sound, and then you have to go and find it. It's not like imagining a flute and then making that sound materialize. That's easy!

If what needs to get done is going to get done, then I can't screw around with the luxury of writing rituals or waiting for pristine writing conditions to magically materialize.

Game management is accomplished by staying constantly alert and then reading and reacting to potential problem situations before they materialize. It all boils down to paying attention to details.

Employees have been worrying about the rising tide of automation for 200 years now, and for 200 years employers have been assuring them that new jobs will naturally materialize to take their place.

Founders go wrong when they start to believe their business plan will materialize as written. I advise entrepreneurs to burn their business plan - it's simply too dangerous to the health of your business.

No matter what your dream is, just stay the course, ride the waves, and know that, if the dream is in your heart that it, in my opinion, is meant to materialize. But it can only materialize if you stay the course.

The attacks of September 11 persuaded many Americans that what might seem to be obscure or distant potential threats can very quickly materialize and it therefore makes sense to attend to them even before they become urgent.

Few professions are given as much power as we entrust to those who wear the uniform of a police officer. These individuals dedicate themselves to a calling in which threats that can materialize in an instant are part of the job description.

As so often happened during the dot-com bubble days, the revenues that AOL and PurchasePro were counting on did not materialize. And instead of confronting that harsh reality, AOL and PurchasePro cooked up a scheme to inflate PurchasePro's revenues.

I love simple foods as well as grand. Dinners that take a half-hour from skillet to plate are as important as a five-course dinner. A meal that can materialize in an hour and be presented with care, love and pride is something every busy person longs to be able to do.

To apply Kim Jong Il's patriotism means to thoroughly materialize the General's intentions and desires for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of all generations to come and to carry on all work for achieving the prosperity of the country in the way he did.

Interracial marriages were basically legalized, but nevertheless, there was a social stigma attached to them for a long time to come. I imagine that's going to be true for same-sex marriages - that people's emotional comfort level with it will not fully materialize for decades.

I came out of the womb drawing on everything; I used to draw on my mother's white furniture and her white walls with her red lipstick and my pencils. Little did she know that would later materialize into me doing what I do now - I'm a painter as well and a micromechanical engineer.

Investment bubbles and high animal spirits do not materialize out of thin air. They need extremely favorable economic fundamentals together with free and easy, cheap credit, and they need it for at least two or three years. Importantly, they also need serial pleasant surprises in such critical variables as global GNP growth.

Begin noticing and being careful about keeping your imagination free of thoughts that you do not wish to materialize. Instead, initiate a practice of filling your creative thoughts to overflow with ideas and wishes that you fully intend to manifest. Honor your imaginings regardless of others seeing them as crazy or impossible.

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