They're not mating are they?

his snores sounded like ducks mating.

Thus mating of females was strictly along the lines of paternal song.

Wine is a precarious aphrodisiac, and its fumes have blighted many a mating.

I couldn't be more chuffed if I were a badger at the start of the mating season!

Pack is built on the bonds of family, of mating, of love. You come first. You always will.

High status males had multiple wives or additional mating opportunities in the ancestral environment.

Reading galleys on the subway is the closest the publishing industry comes to having a standardized mating call.

I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season.

I had a patient once who dreamed she kept her husband in the deep freeze except for mating. Lots of men feel that way.

My son is a lecturer at Bristol University in anthropology. His degree was in, get this, human mating strategies - sex!

There are so many spiders, and their rituals, their mating rituals, their courtship ritual, can be very, very different.

Concerning PDA: Anything that can be described as 'cute' is okay. Anything that can be described as 'mating' is not okay.

Romantic love allows you to focus mating energy. Attachment sustains that relationship as long as necessary to raise your baby.

Learning is a deep human need, like mating and eating, and like all such needs it is meant to be deeply pleasurable to human beings.

I think romantic love evolved to enable you to focus your mating energy on just one individual at a time, thereby conserving mating time and energy.

All nature's creatures join to express nature's purpose. Somewhere in their mounting and mating, rutting and butting is the very secret of nature itself.

Sex begins before adolescence, and survives sterility; it is indeed coeval with our lives, although at the mating age its effects are more obvious to Society.

I have a few go-to moves like jazz hands, shake the booty, stupid eyes. It was once a mating ritual, but now it's all about looking silly and making the kids smile.

The world is well supplied with spiders whose male ancestors died after mating. The world is bereft of spiders whose would-be ancestors never mated in the first place.

One of the basic steps in saving a threatened species is to learn more about it: its diet, its mating and reproductive processes, its range patterns, its social behavior.

In general, men are wired to notice obvious signs that convey interest in mating - a warm smile, for example - and ignore other subtleties, like if your lipstick is faded.

It is remarkable indeed how we human beings are capable of delighting in the mating call of a flower while we are surrounded by the charred carcasses of our fellow animals.

Animals use a broad range of strategies to advertise themselves in the mating market. In some instances, visual cues highlight a morphological feature - for example, the peacock's tail.

Love between a man and a woman is founded on the mating instinct and is not free from desire and self-seeking. But to have a friend and to be true under any and all trials is the mark of a man!

I think by and large, humans prefer to think of themselves as minds from the neck up. We don't really like to think of ourselves as another animal, another digesting, excreting, mating, snoring, sleeping kind of sack of guts. I don't think we like that. I think we'd rather not be reminded of it.

The genus Drosophila is one of the great success stories. There's hundreds of species within the genus. They're on every continent except Antarctica, they're in tropical rain forests, they're in deserts, they've evolved many exotic mating behaviors, and they're capable of incredibly long-distance flights.

We hunger to understand, so we invent myths about how we imagine the world is constructed - and they're, of course, based upon what we know, which is ourselves and other animals. So we make up stories about how the world was hatched from a cosmic egg or created after the mating of cosmic deities or by some fiat of a powerful being.

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