Part of me has always been a private person.

It always impresses me when a person of small stature has command.

There are always two sides to a person. CL is me, and so is Chaelin.

I always wanted to make something that was bigger than me, that wasn't just one person.

I always loved playing in front of big audiences; now I'm jittery if one person is in the room watching me.

Directing is more comfortable for me because, as an actor, there's always something inherently false. Because I'm not that person.

I always try to be nice. I never want to be that person that anyone perceives as being rude or disrespectful, 'cause that's not me at all.

My students have shown me so many times that it's not always about being the perfect person in the perfect position - it's about showing up when you're needed.

I've always been the type of person - you know, I kind of am extreme. So you know, I'm not like, 'Oh, let me get one tattoo.' It's, like, my old whole arm has to be covered.

I take a very different approach to public service. I'm a person that always takes it out in the streets and in the courts... the tool box that is attached to me is very diverse.

For me, the key is I always have to be the same person. If someone was to hear me say something on Fox and hear me say something different on NPR, they would say, 'The guy is a hypocrite.'

It's always a huge red flag for me when somebody's reticent or reluctant or a little slow in providing thoughtful references that are a testament to them as a person and their professional accomplishments.

If somebody says 'singer-songwriter' to me, the first person I think of is James Taylor. There are plenty of modern singer-songwriters, but there is something about James Taylor that has always resonated with me.

The grand surprise has really been the fact that being an author, which to me had always implied being a private person, actually requires you to be a public person as well, and those are two separate entities to me.

When I was younger, I was always that person that loved to get stuck in. When my mum and grandma used to come and watch me, I used to make sure that I wouldn't let anybody push me around and not let anybody bully me.

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