I thank those people that thought I had lost the agility to play shortstop, because they gave me more motivation.

The one thing that's broken inside of me is that I've lost the signal most people have to feel hungry or feel full.

It's not lost on me that everyone dies, but some people have a kind of immortality about them, and you can't imagine that they will ever be gone.

A lot of times, people just want to be more extreme than the next band or the next person, and that's all they focus on. That's kind of lost on me.

Many have fought for and even lost their lives to end segregation, to win the right to vote. It disappoints me to now have to cajole people to register and to vote.

Baseball hasn't forgotten me. I go to a lot of old-timers games and I haven't lost a thing. I sit in the bullpen and let people throw things at me. Just like old times.

Will I miss Gandalf? Well, I don't miss him, because people are constantly coming up to me mentioning him and talking about him, so I don't feel that I've lost contact.

Behind that picture of me, thousands and thousands of people, they suffered - more than me. They died. They lost parts of their bodies. Their whole lives were destroyed, and nobody took that picture.

I think it's sick that we even post pictures of people in their post-baby bodies or talk about it. It upsets me so much because not only does it make a woman feel bad if she hasn't lost all their baby weight, it's not realistic.

For me, my mythology growing up was 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' and 'Star Wars' and 'E.T.' and 'Ghostbusters.' That's what I grew up on, and there aren't many people who can write that kind of scale of story, stories that are that big.

To be honest I don't watch the show, I don't watch any TV, so I have no idea what the show is about. I go to Hawaii, shot my scenes and script and 'Ciao.' I'm not a 'Lost' fanatic and it's a disappointment for thousands people and friends that are dying to know what will happen. They know more than me.

And by the way I don't object if people want to attack me, that's their right. All I'm suggesting that it's not going to be very effective and that people are going to get sick of it very fast. And the guys who attacked each other in the debates up to now, every single one of them have lost ground by attacking.

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