I was born here in the States. I moved to Portugal when I was five. And then my parents put me in an English school.

I was named after my paternal grandmother, my dadi. She died before I was born, which is why my parents named me Amy.

I was born in Canada for a reason. It was because my parents wanted me to have the freedoms that this country offers.

I think I was born because my parents had two boys and wanted to give it one more go and try for a girl... they got me instead.

I was born in Argentina, June 13, 1943. I brought up my parents very well, so they let me come to America to study at Princeton University.

My parents separated soon after I was born, so I left Helsinki when I was a year old. My mother took me to Paris and then other places throughout Western Europe.

I can be described as many things, but no description of me is complete without saying 'Englishman.' My parents were from Liverpool and emigrated to Canada before I was born.

I was born in Abbott, Texas, a little small town in central Texas, and I was raised by my grandparents. And my parents divorced when I was six months old, and my grandparents raised me.

I think I really thought I was a boy until I was ten years old because my parents divorced when I was born, and so my three brothers were almost like my fathers growing up. So they taught me how to ride a bike and all that stuff. I really was just kind of a guy's girl and just kind of an outspoken - some could say obnoxious - in-your-face kid.

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