I don't mind people hating me, because it pushes me.

People didn't like me because I didn't take any garbage.

My upbringing was solid because of the people I had around me.

I get no amusement having people eyeball me because of my size.

I'm childish and silly. Most people tease me because I'm a bit daft.

I don't like courting controversy because I don't like people not liking me.

People wanted to put me in one category, I think because it was easier for them.

Maybe it's because I'm short and blond, but people have really underestimated me.

I'm asking people to vote for me because I'm an activist leader and a problem solver.

Part of me is afraid to get close to people because I'm afraid that they're going to leave.

I like to be in waiting rooms with people as they're auditioning, because their terror calms me.

Part of me worries about upsetting people, because we all have perceptions about Olympic champions.

I didn't think rap was me. But I was shy to sing in front of people. It'd be so off because I was shy.

If people want to criticize me because it sells papers, that's fine. I just don't like it when it's inaccurate.

When I visited Chechnya, I was taken aback at first because people would regularly make jokes about kidnapping me.

I started teaching when I was in my 20s because Lee Strasberg asked me to, and he didn't do that with a lot of people.

I wanted to become a cricketer primarily because the idea of playing in front of 40,000 odd people gave me an adrenaline rush.

I used to think people above me might get jealous because I wanted to do what they did. But no, people are much nicer than that.

I used to trust people easily, but now I'm a little careful because some experiences have taught me to not trust anyone blindly.

It's not that people want to be like me, but some want to say the things I say and can't because they're afraid. I say it for them.

People think that I have this wonderful hourglass figure, but I owe that to designer Tadashi Shoji because he cuts for me really well.

Some people with awful cards can be successful because of how they deal with the tragedies they're handed, and that seems courageous to me.

I found out that if you made people laugh, they like you. Most people got to like me because I made them laugh. When they didn't, I hit them.

When you ask people about guys they didn't like because they were aggressive, there's me, John McEnroe, Jimmy Connors; not too many names would come up.

I'm very lucky, because it's a combination of the German, the Hebrew, the Swiss, the French, and that accent helped because as soon as people heard it they knew it was me.

A lot of people told me not to come to the Premier League because of the physical demands, especially if I came straight from Brazil to England. But it's not been like that.

I've tried not to get sucked into the Hollywood hierarchy system. Personally, I don't like it when people are deferential to me because I'm an established filmmaker. It's a blue-collar sensibility.

Because I write fiction, I don't write autobiography, and to me they are very different things. The first-person narrative is a very intimate thing, but you are not addressing other people as 'I' - you are inhabiting that 'I.'

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