Your genome knows much more about your medical history than you do.

Drug abuse is a medical disease that requires medical professionals.

Every cannabis user is a medical patient whether they know it or not

If a person is treated like a patient, they are apt to act like one.

Passion, you see, can be destroyed by a doctor. It cannot be created.

There are a ton of medical dramas out there dealing with life and death.

Prior to my call to the Twelve, I served as a medical doctor and surgeon.

There's a fine line between a superpower and a chronic medical condition.

Medical costs are of concern, both in developing and developed countries.

The best way to reduce the cost of medical care is to reduce the illness.

For the mind disturbed, the still beauty of dawn is nature's finest balm.

I wanted to go to medical school. But, I never got a college scholarship.

A hypochondriac is one who has a pill for everything except what ails him.

To array a man's will against his sickness is the supreme art of medicine.

I studied in a medical college and qualified myself as a medical graduate.

Could Artificial Intelligence End the Electronic Medical Record Nightmare?

Medical school education and post graduate education emphasize thoroughness.

People are so afraid of authority figures and doctors are authority figures.

It is sometimes as dangerous to be run into by a microbe as by a trolley car.

Sickness may be the solemn occasion of God's intervention in a person's life.

Honestly, being a doctor could make you more close minded than regular people.

It is said to be the manner of hypochondriacs to change often their physician.

I completed medical school at Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1984.

He wasn't a medical doctor, just educated all the way up as far as you can get.

When I went to medical school, the term 'digital' applied only to rectal exams.

I have been through a lot of medical trauma. I was diagnosed with breast cancer .

Never forget that it is not a pneumonia, but a pneumonic man who is your patient.

He probably couldn’t turn off his sexiness without medical intervention.’ (Abbie)

Synergy and serendipity often play a big part in medical and scientific advances.

Growing up, my dolls were doctors and on secret missions. I had Barbie Goes Rambo.

An untreatable diagnosis is a statement about the medical system, not the patient.

Medical theories are most of the time even more peculiar than the facts themselves.

The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.

Doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.

Some people think that doctors and nurses can put scrambled eggs back in the shell.

We have medicalized a lot of things that I think are not really medical conditions.

I got the bill for my surgery. Now I know what those doctors were wearing masks for.

I learned about a lot of things in medical school, but mortality wasn't one of them.

The big oxygen thing is out for Benni McCarthy... he's got a lot of medical round him

We need to provide all areas of the country with access to high-quality medical care.

The outstanding doctor constantly emphasized the humanitarian aspect of medical care.

I regret to this day that I never went to college. I feel I should have been a doctor.

I'm not feeling very well - I need a doctor immediately. Ring the nearest golf course.

I went to the doctor and he said I had acute appendicitis, and I said compared to who?

Most doctors are uncomfortable with medical conditions that have a psychological basis.

When I told my doctor I couldn't afford an operation, he offered to touch-up my X-rays.

When I watch medical shows or other shows where characters die, it kind of bums me out.

The art of medicine was to be properly learned only from its practice and its exercise.

I have devoted much time and energy to helping medical physics in developing countries.

GRAVE, n. A place in which the dead are laid to await the coming of the medical student.

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