When I was in Class XI, I started preparing for medical college, and after that, the Miss India pageant.

Oh there are lots of doctors and medical professionals out there who buy my devices at whole sale price.

I love the Discovery Channel. I love all sorts of medical shows. I love a show called Diagnosis: Unknown.

Prescription: A physician's guess at what will best prolong the situation with least harm to the patient.

The ends justify the means mindset has been the impetus behind many a cruel medical or social experiment.

Five thousand people every day lose their home because of a medical bankruptcy. Most of them had insurance.

Finish last in your league and they call you idiot. Finish last in medical school and they call you doctor.

I find medicine is the best of all trades because whether you do any good or not you still. Get your money.

I'd probably start charging for medical timeouts. I think we'd all see who really uses them and who doesn't.

The virus-to-cancer connection is where medicinal mushrooms offer unique opportunities for medical research.

For every dollar we have given to athletics, we have given about 27 to higher education or medical research.

If someone lives in New York, he's a New Yorker - they are entitled to the best medical system in the world.

If you want to write the software to control the national medical system of a large country, Java is perfect.

The doctor sees all the weakness of mankind; the lawyer all the wickedness, the theologian all the stupidity.

The physician's highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy - to heal, as it is termed.

Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.

I was going to have cosmetic surgery until I noticed that the doctor's office was full of portraits by Picasso.

Because of my medical and ideological training, I am accustomed to saying that life is adaptation and symbiosis.

In the name of Hypocrites, doctors have invented the most exquisite form of torture ever known to man: survival.

Keep a watch also on the faults of the patients, which often make them lie about the taking of things prescribed.

Medicine is my lawful wife and literature my mistress; when I get tired of one, I spend the night with the other.

It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has.

Even top caliber hospitals cannot escape medical mistakes that sometimes result in irreparable damage to patients

America's doctors, nurses and medical researchers are the best in the world, but our health care system is broken.

No society can legitimately call itself civilized if a sick person is denied medical aid because of lack of means.

Privacy with medical information is a fallacy. If everyone's information is out there, it's part of the collective.

The digital world has been in a separate orbit from our medical cocoon, and it's time the boundaries be taken down.

Barack Obama II is born in the Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu. His birth is recorded in two local newspapers.

For my convalescence, I had to exercise my voice only with vowels. It is a medical rule after a long loss of voice.

You know what they call the fellow who finishes last in his medical school graduating class? They call him 'Doctor.'

...the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers has been completely neglected.

Stay out of the sun, because it is the worst thing in terms of aging. I'm very medical. I come from a medical family.

Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism. Whether it is or is not more efficacious I do not know.

Chelsea Manning has a platform to serve herself, but many veterans don't even get medical treatment when they need it.

Grief is like a physical pain which must be allowed to subside somewhat on its own before medical treatment is applied.

I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light.

Sometimes astronauts feel a little ill or get minor scrapes. I trained as a crew medical officer to do basic treatment.

Malaria was one of the epidemic diseases with the most comprehensive records in traditional Chinese medical literature.

You may not be able to read a doctor's handwriting and prescription, but you'll notice his bills are neatly typewritten.

During my medical education at the University of Basle I found vivisection horrible, barbarous and above all unnecessary

Informed consent is required for every invasive medical procedure, from getting your ears pierced to having an abortion.

I could tell you all the medical terminology,' She says. 'But what finally happened is his heart got to big for his body'

If freedom means anything at all, it is the right to primacy in regard to sexuality, reproduction, medical care and death.

Both childbirth and abortion are medical procedures but neither is an illness, and sometimes they're both treated as such.

Medical liability reform is not a Republican or Democrat issue or even a doctor versus lawyer issue. It is a patient issue.

Medical attention is medical attention, whether it's for your elbow or for your teeth or for your brain. And it's important.

In the druidical religion of liberalism, not separating your recyclables is a sin, but abortion is just a medical procedure.

I have an obligation to use what I know to try to bring real, usable medical science to every doctor and bedside and patient.

As a medical student, you have to study every day. You can't cover the syllabus by studying for a few nights before your exam.

I was on stage last night, and I gave a medical report about Donald Trump. I said he was hospitalized for an attack of modesty.

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