Advice is like food, and teaching is a menu.

If you're not at the table, you're on the menu

If it doesn't taste good it doesn't go on the menu

I think of music as a menu. I can't eat the same thing every day.

If you don't have a seat at the table, you're probably on the menu.

I don't like it when I go to a restaurant and I'm lectured from the menu.

Undecidability is a useful category even in dealing with restaurant menus.

I don't cook, so my favorite dish to prepare is something on the takeout menu.

The golden rule when reading the menu is, if you cannot pronounce it, you cannot afford it.

In the menu, there should be a climax and a culmination. Come to it gently. One will suffice.

To a certain extent, yes, we do. But there's - but there's a very limited menu. There's only about sort of 20 songs that you hear on rotation.

I like Washington a great deal. I enjoyed living there. But then I've enjoyed living almost everywhere I've ever been. I just find that it's a different menu wherever you go.

The system itself has the mark of cleverness and ingenuity.... When you manipulate the menu system, you feel as though you are at the helm of the future.... The Xbox probably has the most raw potential for excellent games

I don't know why you'd go to a comedian and say, "You know what? You have a large menu of items, but this one thing I did not like and therefore, you should be shut down. You should cease to make a living and you should be thrown out in the streets."

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