Your kisses are mine.

Mine. I'm on my side.

Aladdin's lamp is mine.

Was ever grief like mine?

God is thy law, thou mine.

Chaos is a friend of mine.

Only the mistakes were mine.

Your guess is as good as mine.

I love, and the world is mine!

Vengeance is mine; I will repay.

Those Genes Could Have Been Mine

The sunflower is mine, in a way.

My beloved is mine and I am his.

Writing is a great love of mine.

Jack Nicholson is a hero of mine.

Dark and Dangerous. And all mine.

If I love a song, I make it mine.

Music's another big love of mine.

Everyone is mine - no matter what.

I just want my stories to be mine.

All property is theft, except mine.

You are the soul that fits into mine

The mine owners do not find the gold.

The Princess Mahiya, and she is mine.

Modeling was never a passion of mine.

Mine alone is the country of my soul.

Those two fatal words, Mine and Thine.

Mine is the night, with all her stars.

Mine is not an autonomous imagination.

It's a book. It's mine. And it's done.

If hearts could shatter, mine just did.

every mind is at least as heavy as mine

I have seen your heart, and it is mine.

You have your ideology and I have mine.

There's a path from your HEART to mine.

I keep what's mine, and I do not share.

Is it time for your medication or mine?

Everybody has a weakness. Mine is food.

Is there an existence that is only mine?

This early piece of the morning is mine.

A lot of Jews are great friends of mine.

I don't like nostalgia unless it's mine.

We all have an escape. Mine was theater.

Your existence is the only proof of mine

Mine is the least fat diet in the world.

Broadway has always been a dream of mine.

I love cooking and spending time in mine.

Everybody has their own path. I got mine.

This is my body. It is no one's but mine.

I love your silences, they are like mine.

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