I've been very active in Missouri.

New York is a Show Me state. We're like Missouri.

I'm a little kid from St. Louis, Missouri, on the inside.

We are fighting to bring more jobs to the people of Missouri.

I was actually born in Madison, Wisconsin, but raised in urban Missouri.

I'm from Kansas City, Missouri. No one has to give a damn about my story.

Who put their foot in the Missouri River first: Lewis or Clark? Who cares!

I had been raised on country and western in Missouri. But gospel was great.

When I was 18, graduating high school, I was going to the University of Missouri.

In my mind, I'm still this kid from St. Louis, Missouri, that nobody really knows.

We had a lion that was living in somebody's basement outside of Branson, Missouri.

The last thing we need in Missouri is more violence and strife in our communities.

I went to a little liberal-arts college in Missouri called Truman State University.

I'm running for Governor because we need a political outsider to move Missouri forward.

In some ways, I'm still a kid from Missouri and Oklahoma, and I'm trying to find my way.

Hoover's Music Store in Springfield, Missouri - I would listen to records there for hours.

I was born in Missouri, but I was raised in Detroit. One of my stock and trades is accents.

Coming from a small town of Mexico, Missouri, we got 11,000 people. Never seen a celebrity.

The Free State men, myself among them, took it for granted that Missouri was a slave state.

It started 25 years ago, when I was teaching elementary school in a small town in Missouri.

I just sold a farm in Missouri, and I own a ski lodge in Colorado with some Honolulu partners.

Meaningful ethics reform is vital to restoring public confidence in Missouri's political system.

As attorney general, I have a duty to defend the laws and constitution of the State of Missouri.

Missouri remains a low tax, efficiently run state, according to all prominent national rankings.

I'll be working every day to help elect voting rights champions in Missouri and around the country.

I was a wide receiver at the University of Missouri but dropped out, having never gotten in a game.

I never, in all my life, had anything whatever to do with robbing any bank in the state of Missouri.

Early on the next morning we reached Kansas, about five hundred miles from the mouth of the Missouri.

The fact is, I was elected governor of the state of Missouri to bring more jobs to the state of Missouri.

I have a Missouri Fox Trotter. So mine's like a quarter horse, but just a much better gait - it moves very fast.

I'm from Bourbon, Missouri, where spirits are high and where the cattle population exceeds the human population.

We just started filming 'Stray Dog' really close to the finishing of 'Winter's Bone,' down in Southern Missouri.

A lot of people got a lot of money around Kansas City, Missouri. If we didn't, KC Trends would be out of business.

I lived in St. Louis, Missouri, and now my kids are growing up in Los Angeles, so that's culturally very different.

I was imprisoned in Missouri in 1854 for preaching the gospel to Negroes, though I was never subjected to violence.

There wasn't a lot of live music that you could hear where I came from, which was a small town in southeast Missouri.

People come. They go. Dying is the same as rehab or moving back to Missouri. It just means I won't be seeing them again.

I'm proud that many of Missouri's lawmakers stood strong to protect the lives of the innocent unborn and women's health.

In Missouri, where I come from, we don't talk about what we do - we just do it. If we talk about it, it's seen as bragging.

When Kansas and Missouri work together, we can accomplish a lot - and also set an example at a time of extreme partisanship.

I think there are certain folks in Missouri that don't trust government. And they haven't trusted government for a long time.

I went to school at Radnor High School. And I went to a liberal arts college in St. Louis, Missouri, called Lindenwood College.

When I was a young man, I worked at the Boys and Girls Club in St. Louis, Missouri, and another boys club called Matthews-Dickey.

The allegations against Roy Moore are very serious. In the state of Missouri, they are criminal - these are criminal allegations.

I haven't met one parent or one teacher in Missouri who thinks we should balance the budget by taking money from kids' classrooms.

No matter where I've been or where I go, a piece of Missouri is always with me because this is where I'm from and where I grew up.

For too long, Missouri has been run by career politicians, owned by corrupt consultants, high-paid lobbyists and special interests.

If you want to start or grow a business in the state of Missouri and hire more people with good jobs, I will be your friend and ally.

The people I'm honored to represent in Missouri and all over the country want leaders to address their kitchen table everyday problems.

Although I grew up in London, I spent summers in Missouri, where my dad lived. It's quite a liberal town, Kansas City. You'd be surprised.

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