Bravery is not man's monopoly.

Nobody has a monopoly on good ideas

Nature hates monopolies and exceptions.

No single race has a monopoly on racism.

But no man has a monopoly of conscience.

Property is only another name for monopoly.

Monopoly is business at the end of its journey.

Monopoly is a terrible thing, till you have it.

How come there's only one Monopolies Commission?

I made my older sister cry playing Monopoly once.

With Bitcoin, no one has a monopoly of information.

There is no religion that has a monopoly on bigotry.

It's not hard to be valuable when you are a monopoly.

Monopoly is the condition of every successful business.

I don't know what a monopoly is until somebody tells me.

I don't believe any more that WBC has a monopoly on truth.

I never thought I had the monopoly on struggle or suffering.

Microsoft has a monopoly over the desktop operating systems.

A moral monopoly is the antithesis of a marketplace of ideas.

Boys do not have the monopoly in Staring Business, after all.

I'd like to play the voice of the Iron in the Monopoly movie.

We're not allowed to play Monopoly at home. It gets too vicious.

I think it's wrong that only one company makes the game Monopoly.

I think competition always produces better results than a monopoly.

To the men in Washington, the world is just a giant Monopoly board.

I thrive in competitive environments. I've never been in a monopoly.

We don't have a monopoly. We have market share. There's a difference.

I am Catholic. But I am opposed to a monopoly when it comes to faith.

One size doesn't fit all, and I don't have a monopoly over good ideas.

Domination and monopoly is the name of the game in the web marketplace.

The world is a diverse place. Nobody has a monopoly on virtue or wisdom.

No civilization has a monopoly on tolerance; each is capable of bigotry.

Homophobia is not the monopoly of any one country, culture, or religion.

I'm not a big believer in the sense of Jews having a monopoly on comedy.

We have a history in South Africa of an entrenched white monopoly capital.

Take away the government's monopoly, and private groups will do it better.

I do not believe that any particular religion has any monopoly on salvation.

Consolidating to the point of monopoly has never served the consumer - ever.

Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom.

Of course, Americans have no monopoly of patriotic enthusiasm and good faith.

Only government can cause inflation, preserve monopoly, and punish enterprise.

But I'm a big believer that government does not have a monopoly on good ideas.

Where a trust becomes a monopoly the state has an immediate right to interfere.

We're on the path of creating monopoly business practices out of copyright law.

Saudi Arabia is a puritanical state that claims a monopoly of wisdom and virtue.

[John Foster Dulles] invented Brinkmanship, the most popular game since Monopoly.

Public education grants secular worldviews an exclusive monopoly in the classroom.

If I am elected President, I will end the special interest monopoly in Washington, D.C.

And for far too long, the Democrats have had a monopoly on black votes in this country.

No one country has a team that hold a monopoly on the league like Maccabi does in Israel.

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