I can be very moody.

I am a very moody person.

I'm going to have my moody times.

I'm very sensitive; I'm not moody.

I was more than just a moody artist.

Music, moody food Of us that trade in love.

I wouldn't live with me, believe me. I'm moody.

Superman isn't moody or brooding or aggressive.

I want to be one of those serious, moody writers.

I'm not that moody. I don't have big ups and downs.

I am moody at times and don't get along with everyone.

I am very fussy about my clothes and very moody as well.

I'm as moody and complex and private as anyone I ever knew.

As a person, I am very unpredictable because I am very moody.

I'm a very moody guy and I need good scripts which excite me.

My first concert was Chicago and Moody Blues. I was 15 years old.

Batman is dark and moody and spooky and, in some cases, methodical.

You try to be moody when you're young and it had a good ring to it.

And people are moody, dude. You gotta get used to living with people.

I'm jealous, I'm moody, I'm really not good to be around as a boyfriend.

I can get moody sometimes when I wake up after a nap - I'm like a four-year-old.

That's not what I want to be known as - a guy who doesn't want to play and is moody.

I don't really consider my music anything other than 'moody.' I don't know if that's a genre.

Everyone tried to be a singer other than just a player. We had four voices in The Moody Blues.

If I wasn't an actor, I'd be a moody folk singer, sitting on stools and being very depressing.

The Moody Blues was very big in France, because they liked that we were basically playing blues.

My best personality trait that I think I'm very approachable. And my worst is that I can be moody.

Should the Moody Blues be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? That's absurd. Of course they should be.

I was doing something of my own after I left The Moody Blues, I went away, lived in Spain for a while.

Sometimes I am moody or bubbly, and then at other times, I just want to disconnect. I am an extreme person.

Animals don't lie. Animals don't criticize. If animals have moody days, they handle them better than humans do.

I was part of that whole early Moody Blues transitioning from a sort of R&B-blues band to being more progressive.

Shivam might not be as shy or as moody as me but he has a wanderlust as well. We both yearn to constantly travel.

I get moody when I'm tired or hungry. My missus says I get moody... but not with other people. But I can get grumpy.

I'm very moody when it comes to food. Even before pregnancy I would just get very specific with things that I wanted.

I can do a dance, adventure, or sports-based reality shows. But I cannot live in a locked house because I'm very moody.

It is easier for me to have faith in the Bible than to have faith in D.L. Moody, for Moody has failed me lots of times.

I think I'm generally an upbeat person. Obviously I can get moody, but my whole philosophy is to try and have a good time.

I've worked for some great trainers around the world, including Aidan O'Brien, Luca Cumani, Gai Waterhouse and Peter Moody.

When I came to The Moody Blues, we were a rhythm and blues band. I was lousy at rhythm and blues - I think the rest of us were.

I think I'm good at looking moody. I'm not much good at analysing myself, but I tend to fit the strange and tortured characters.

Gray is great. People think gray is a neutral, but I think it's such a moody, intense, dramatic and sexy color. It's very sleek.

They say it is better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable, but how about a compromise like moderately rich and just moody?

Other people get moody in their forties and fifties - men get the male menopause. I missed the whole thing. I was just really happy.

Everything affects my poetry, every day something happens that changes me forever. I’m susceptible and plastic, thin-skinned and moody.

When someone's a writer, it's very creative and moody, and you think of someone walking around the office in pajamas thinking of ideas.

Hormones get no respect. We think of them as the elusive chemicals that make us a bit moody, but these magical little molecules do so much more.

I watched the first week of 'Hell's Kitchen'. It was fascinating to see Marco Pierre White because I've only ever seen him in moody photographs.

In the sixties when Paul was with the Beatles and I was with the Moody Blues, we shared the same bill and tried to blow each other off the stage.

As a complete score, I love 'Sherlock Holmes' - but we cast it badly. We put Ron Moody into the part - a great Fagin, not a great Sherlock Holmes.

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