Truth is Mormonism. God is the author of it.

Love is the most powerful force in the world.

Friendship is the grand fundamental principle of Mormonism

Endorsed by Bob Jones, despite calling Mormonism a "cult".

Mormonism is a male religion, a dream of prophets and patriarchs.

Mormonism is a little different, but I still see them as brothers in Christ.

Most Christians would not recognize Mormonism as part of the Christian faith.

Mormonism is the pure doctrine of Jesus Christ; of which I myself am not ashamed.

I have thus given you a full statement of all that I know respecting the origin of Mormonism.

You might as well deny 'Mormonism,' and turn away from it, as to oppose the plurality of wives.

Being a Mormon is not a part-time religion. It is your life. You eat, sleep, and breathe Mormonism.

One of the grand fundamental principles of Mormonism is to receive truth, let it come from whence it may.

At the heart of Mormonism is a high regard for community. That is its strength. I have great respect for that.

I find Mormons adorable. I love Disneyland and old musicals, and, to me, Mormonism fits right in with all of that.

I had to learn to navigate the political and religious currents in a state where Mormonism dominates despite not being Mormon.

If Christians see Mormonism as a dramatic deviation from a millennia-old, biblically-based faith, Jews see Christianity in the same light.

Now, there's parts about Mormonism that I love and appreciate. And as far as things that I was embarrassed about, I just don't feel it anymore.

In the beginning, the head of the Gods called a council of the Gods; and they came together and concocted a plan to create the world and people it.

Mormonism was born amid secrecy, and throughout its existence as a religion it has sustained a close yet complex relationship to the arts of silence.

The moment of true capitulation came when the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association quietly took Mormonism off the list of apostate religious groups.

'Mormonism' has made me all I am; and the grace, the power, and the wisdom of God will make me all that I ever will be, either in time or in eternity.

If Mormonism is able to endure, unmodified, until it reaches the third and fourth generation, it is destined to become the greatest power the world has ever known.

Every theistic religion, including Catholicism, Mainline Protestantism, Judaism, Mormonism, and Islam, has traditionally held homosexual congress in moral opprobrium.

Herman Cain has moved ahead of Mitt Romney. Can you believe that? Political analysts say this is because Americans don't understand Mormonism but they do understand pizza.

Like many great world faiths, Mormonism has an important strand of sacred mystery. Mormon temples have traditionally been closed to outsiders and designed with opaque windows.

There is a lot of absurdity sometimes, not just in Mormonism but often in other religions that want to pretend that no bad happens in their church, rather than taking care of what bad does happen.

Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Even though he talks about Jesus as his Lord and savior, he is not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. Mormonism is a cult.

Mormonism is not historic Christianity. When people say, 'Well, Mormons and Christians all believe the same things,' my response is, 'If that's true, why are they always on my front doorstep trying to convert me?'

The freethinker has the same right to discredit the beliefs of Christians that the Orthodox Christians enjoy in destroying reverence, respect, and confidence in Mohammedanism, Mormonism, Christian Science, or Atheism.

There is a heavy emphasis in Mormonism on initiative, on responsibility, on a work ethic, and on education. If you take those elements together with a free-enterprise system, you've got the chemistry for a lot of industry.

It is Mormonism, Mohammedanism and heathenism and not Christianity which have proclaimed polygamy and debased woman from the sacred place of wife to the lower level of concubine. It is not Christianity which has sustained the social evil.

What has bothered and angered radical Muslims is that I'm a non-Muslim writing anything at all about Islam. But this is fiction, and I don't think Islam is above criticism or fictionalization any more so than Judaism, Christianity, Mormonism or Hinduism is.

There are a lot of Christian fundamentalists; there are a lot of Muslim extremists. Every religion - Mormonism - has something way on the side that's completely using the religion as some weird backbone for their twisted faith. It has nothing to do with their religion.

Mormonism truly was a part of my every decision since the day I was born. It taught me to serve others and to feel comfort about the next life. Who doesn't want to live for eternity and have a 'mansion in heaven'? It sounded like a rad deal to me when I was in my teenage years.

If you look at Mormonism, it's a very appealing community. It takes care of itself; there are active charities. It's got a successful work ethic. Whatever you might think about the authenticity of their theology or their history, it's immaterial in terms of how the religion itself actually functions.

I grew up as a kind of nondenominational Christian. I have two uncles who are Baptist ministers. I went to a Samoan church when I was younger. I went to a Catholic school, so I was actually able to experience a lot of different religions. Mormonism, as well. My father in-law, who I'm very close with, is a Muslim.

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