Morocco: Looks better in films.

I want to go to Morocco really bad.

I once rode a motorcycle across Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco!

Morocco as it is is a very fine place spoiled by civilization.

In Morocco, for a woman to earn her own living is the essential concern.

I spent my first twenty years in Morocco, where I coached the national team.

Actually, I don't like dogs. I'm from Morocco, and people there don't like animals.

In Morocco, it's possible to see the Atlantic and the Mediterranean at the same time.

I was born in Morocco and lived there until I was 13; I'm really proud of my heritage.

All Moroccans are justifiably proud of the development of democratic institutions in Morocco.

In Morocco, before you even get to the matter of the sale, you have to coax the owner to sell.

Kim Coates is my best friend. I met Coatsy in 2001 in Morocco while working on 'Black Hawk Down.'

My childhood was very sheltered. I grew up in a palace. But I lived in Morocco as a Moroccan citizen.

My family is from Morocco, and I was born and raised in Canada, but I'm an Indian at heart, for sure.

I had a nanny growing up in Morocco, and my parents encouraged me to put myself in her shoes sometimes.

My hope is that countries like Morocco will have investment to create work, so people don't have to leave.

With my experience with Metallica, I've already surfed Portugal, Morocco, and all over Australia with Kirk.

The woman with dark hair, wide hips, and a few extra pounds has always been the essence of beauty in Morocco.

The four main orientations of Morocco's foreign policy: the Maghreb, the Arab world, Africa and other partners

Every five years, I like to do a big birthday party. I had my 45th birthday with 75 friends in Marrakesh, Morocco.

He [the King of Morocco] spends half his time asleep and the rest of it buried between the legs of the fairer sex.

I've been all over the world. I've been to Japan, Africa, Morocco, everywhere. Heck yeah, I would go to Ireland. Why not?

I made a movie in Morocco. I made a movie in Brazil. I've made commercials all over the world. Every set looks like another set.

For my money, insecurity, depression, etc, can be healed by way of El Morocco, sad songs at 4am, and the pop of a champagne cork

The power of the word in Morocco belonged to men and to the authorities. No one asked the point of view of poor people or women.

Morocco is the greatest. I should be getting money from the Moroccans because I'm just telling everyone that it's a wonderful place to go.

One of my best moments was getting a constituent out of jail in Morocco, by which of course I mean I got him released not that I sprung him.

To visit Morocco is still like turning the pages of some illuminated Persian manuscript all embroidered with bright shapes and subtle lines.

I used to play soccer when I was in Morocco, but I was more of a basketball player. I played high school basketball, I played AAU basketball.

I've spent a good deal of time in the Middle East over the years, lecturing at universities in places like Egypt, Jordan, Israel, and Morocco.

Morocco is such a beautiful place. It's incredibly beautiful. And also it is captivating place because for a writer, you feel that you make impact.

After touring so much, I was looking for some peace. I found Morocco, and it was perfect. Everything I wanted to feel about peace, I found it there.

I grew up in Morocco. I was born a Muslim, and, every year, I celebrated Christmas in a big white house in the country, halfway between Meknes and Fez.

A lot of people like to downgrade Morocco and Africa like its all jungles and lions and sh*t. The actual truth is a lot of stuff is going on out there.

I had a vision of bringing two cultures together, and I have said this in the past: my goal is to bring Morocco and India together through music and art.

Men may not read the gospel in sealskin, or the gospel in morocco, or the gospel in cloth covers, but they can't get away from the gospel in shoe leather.

There's just really interesting facets of culture just swirling in Morocco. They all have slightly different colours, so it's just an inspiring place to be.

I loved filming in Morocco; it was amazing. I'd never been anywhere like that. The culture was phenomenal. I was so blown away by the spirit of that country.

The hardest situation to pick up a girl in is ... in church and in Morocco on Ramadan. On Ramadan or one of those religious days? Try to pick up a girl is bananas.

If [Moroccans born in Holland] commit serious crimes - I believe we should strip them indeed of the Dutch nationality and send them back to Morocco as Morocco does.

I went to Morocco, joined a band called Pegasus, ran out of money, went to Gibraltar and worked on the docks, writing songs about the sun and the morning and the birds.

I like the Bible folded between lids of cloth, or calfskin, or morocco, but I like it better when, in the shape of a man, it goes out into the world-a Bible illustrated.

At the very outset I want to say how the people of America appreciate the steadfast support of the people of Morocco, the leadership of Morocco in our war against terrorism.

The Princess and the Pea?" Gabrielle suggested. "Not enough time," Kat said "Where's Waldo?" Gabrielle went on. "No." Hamish recoiled. "I am still not allowed back in Morocco.

The Arab monarchies, especially Jordan and Morocco, are more legitimate than the false republics, with their stolen elections, regime-dominated courts and rubber-stamp parliaments.

I love nothing better than immersing myself in different street cultures; exploring all those neighbourhoods in Tokyo was quite amazing, or visiting Morocco to see an Inditex factory.

If you are a Morocco citizen with a dual nationality, if you commit a crime in Morocco you are stripped Moroccan nationality and send to our own country. We can learn from them in that respect.

You mentioned the Free Trade Agreement and yes I can't tell you how pleased we are that Morocco is one of the countries that our country is going to begin negotiating a Free Trade Agreement with.

We need to fight violence and ignorance. It is true: when one strolls out, one sees women with scarves and men with beards. This has always been the case in Morocco. Morocco is built on tolerance.

There are pockets of great food in Spain, but there are also pockets of very mediocre food in Spain, and the same in Morocco and the same in Croatia and the same in Germany and the same in Austria.

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