I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in ...

I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit.

Let's close all the Islamist mosques.

Iran's goal is to gain control of the Two Holy Mosques.

Churches, synagogues, and mosques should be treated the same.

I love visiting churches and I think I've visited every mosque in Istanbul.

I went to the mosque one day, and it came to me, like, 'This is where I belong.'

Let God's grace be the mosque, and devotion the prayer mat. Let the Quran be the good conduct.

You are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan.

We have to go into fundamentalist mosques; we have to stop foreign financing of Islamist groups.

I didn't believe in spiritual homelands, and found God as readily in a strip mall as in a mosque.

There are some mosques with facilities for women; it's usually a back room with a back-door entrance.

We have numerous mandirs, gurudwaras, and mosques in my Congressional district and all across the U.S.

I believe in Christianity, Judaism and Islamism, but I stay away from churches, synagogues and mosques.

'Butterfly Mosque' came out of the emails I wrote to family and friends back home after moving to Egypt.

I wouldn't say I am practicing Muslim - I don't go to the mosque or anything, but it's part of my identity.

I think people often come to the synagogue, mosque, the church looking for God, and what we give them is religion.

The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness as soon as they climb the steps of my mosque.

Muscat itself is a mixture of impersonal modern buildings, shopping malls, mosques, traditional souks, tarmac and sand.

The terrorists haven't won, and we should tell them in plain English, 'No, there will never be a mosque at Ground Zero.'

I am a believer of all religions. I will happily visit a temple, mosque, church. I do not differentiate between religions.

I rarely went to the mosque, I never fasted, and I only prayed namaaz on the holy nights because my mom bugged me about it.

The mosque was the neighbourhood house of worship, but it was also the place where my high school friends and I came to study.

Are we willing and able to stand up to Islamophobia on days when there are not brutal terrorist attacks on Muslims in mosques?

The style of God venerated in the church, mosque, or synagogue seems completely different from the style of the natural universe.

I've always said I'm the worst representative of Muslim-Americans that's ever existed, because I've been inside more bars than mosques.

Samarkand, with its magnificent mosques, tombs and dazzling ensembles of ceramic tiles, is still one of the world's most awe-inspiring cities.

We are not a land of Islam. In our country, we don't wear djellaba clothing, we don't wear a veil, and we don't impose cathedral-sized mosques.

Those who reject integration programs in the long term have as little right to stay in Germany as a hate preacher paid from abroad in a mosque.

But 85 percent of the mosques have extremist leadership in this country. Most Muslims, the overwhelming majority of Muslims, are loyal Americans.

At the NYPD, a judge doesn't need to sign off on opening up an investigation into a mosque as a terrorism organization. The oversight is internal.

On the banks of the Nile, the Rosetta branch, I lived an enjoyable childhood in the City of Disuq, which is the home of the famous mosque, Sidi Ibrahim.

To allow the construction of places of worship other than Islamic ones in Saudi Arabia, it would be like asking the Vatican to build a mosque inside of it.

There's a sense of being under siege in many Muslim communities. People just assume there are agents or informants in their mosque now. It's a fact of life.

My imam at the Central Mosque said there was no problem with making music. In fact, he encouraged me - he said if the songs are moral, not offensive, then go ahead.

Here's what we should be doing. We should be monitoring every mosque. We should be monitoring social media. We've got about three million Muslims in the United States.

There are certain comforts of living here in Dubai, the comforts of so many mosques and so much good food... It's just that much more secure. And may God keep it safe.

People have a constitutional right to burn a Koran if they want to, but doing so is insensitive and an unnecessary provocation - much like building a mosque at Ground Zero.

I study the Koran intensively, but I also study other religions, too. But it is in the Koran that the prophets are closest to me - there and in the mosque when I go to pray.

Mosques where sharia law prevails - they exist in France. Refusing to see that means that we do equate Islam with Islamic fundamentalism. We have to denounce and eradicate it.

This fanaticism is what feeds terrorism. And this is precisely why Muslims must play an active role in opposing hate sermons and incitement to terrorism and extremism in their mosques.

It's perfectly fair that you can't be a Roman Catholic priest unless you're a man. It seems right that the reach of anti-discriminatory law should stop at the door of the church or mosque.

Religious people are simply following major core practices of happy people. For example, one benefits from the guaranteed social support that can be found in a church, synagogue, or mosque.

Social media has emboldened an army of online Islamophobes; in the real world, mosques have been firebombed and politicians line up to condemn Muslim terrorism/clothing/meat/seating arrangements.

While researching 'The Submission,' I went to a protest against the Ground Zero mosque in New York when I was about to give birth to twins. It was about 100 degrees. People thought I was very dedicated.

When I was a boy in Desuq, Egypt, a city on the Rosetta branch of the Nile, about 50 miles east of Alexandria, my family lived steps away from the local landmark, a mosque named for a 13th-century Sufi sheik.

I'd love to go and visit the Mosque in Mecca again, just for the sheer beauty of it, not for God - much the way a non-Catholic might go to Vatican City because of the beauty of the buildings and the artifacts.

Does the imam have a legal right to build the mosque at Ground Zero? The answer is yes. But is it the right thing to do? The answer is no. And most Americans, and most moderate Muslims, join with me in that call.

It is really impressive and makes us proud that in a lot of places in Indonesia, a church is close to a mosque, and even in many places, both Islamic and Christian communities cooperated to build a mosque or church.

I never was in the Nation of Islam... I mean, what I call myself is a natural Muslim, 'cause it's just me and God. You know, going to the mosque, the ritual and the tradition, it's just not in me to do. So I don't do it.

Most Americans are unaware that Thomas Jefferson was the first American president to go to war against radical Islam. Jefferson was very concerned with Islam's war-like doctrine and its inability to separate mosque and state.

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