I am moved by the light.

Either move or be moved.

The Women's March moved me.

Whenever I see grace, I’m moved.

Never has a spear moved so fast!

I moved to L.A. in 2007 from Sweden.

I have moved on. I have moved forward.

I'm NOT lost, they just moved my street.

I'm moved by us, our quirks and mistakes.

If you feel far from God, guess who moved?

I was having sex with everything that moved

I moved to Chicago in 1980 to go to college

I've never moved. I've never ever wanted to.

I am not very moved by historical apologies.

I moved to Chicago in 1980 to go to college.

Jesus will not fail me, I shall not be moved.

I like being moved. I don't like being pushed.

A writer is a reader who is moved to emulation.

She moved like a poem and smiled like a sphinx.

I was moved no end by the work of LaVern Baker.

I moved to New York to do a play when I was 18.

A lot of churches have not moved with the times.

I moved to Los Angeles to be with a man I loved.

True friends appear less moved than counterfeit.

Even the gods are moved by the voice of entreaty.

The nature of the All moved to make the universe.

I just moved to Florida to seek out opportunities.

I'm moved by what I hear about the power of music.

My hate of Apple has moved into a hate of Facebook.

We later moved to Rome, where I am presently living.

Never lose the first impression which has moved you.

I was the freak who moved into the nice neighborhood.

Every time I've moved, my work has changed radically.

I was just about 6 weeks old when we moved to Detroit.

I thought I'd go to a bookstore and see what moved me.

Moderation consists in being moved as angels are moved.

The public can only be really moved by what is genuine.

We've never been your typical family. We've moved a lot.

I moved to Holland because I wanted to see American art.

A golf course is nothing but a pool room moved outdoors.

I didn't feel like I had a home until I moved to El Paso.

I am moved by music, and certain things just make my day.

Men are moved by two levers only: fear and self interest.

I moved back home to Southend in 2015 for a quieter life.

Time was when education moved toward soil, not away from it.

He entered the elevator and together they moved closer to god

Although, I didnt really like sushi until I moved out to L.A.

I'm a late developer. I only moved out of home when I was 30.

If I moved, he moved. If I stopped, he stopped. It was a duel.

We moved over to Silver Spring, actually near University Park.

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