The stigma of movie actors doing television is gone now.

I would love to work with the great movie actors of our time.

I'm really in no danger of being perceived as a famous movie actor!

In this country, you have movie actors and theatre actors and television actors.

I love going to the movies; I love watching good movie actors. They must know something I don't.

There's probably a half-dozen movie actors I really like. But a lot of them just aren't that interesting.

Before the Netflixs and the Amazons and the Hulus, there was nothing. TV came to a standstill. Movie actors were taking TV parts, and it was just nuts.

We're finding that the casting of 'A Few Good Men' is different from the musicals because the kind of actors that you need to do it are movie actors, basically.

Being here allows me to make the case that not all aging, narcissistic movie actors whose children could be mistaken for their grandchildren necessarily act with the same motivation.

There is a difference between movie actors and TV acting, especially with movie stars, which is they know their face is 20 feet high on the screen. They know they don't have to do much.

Actors get pigeonholed very quickly, particularly movie actors. In the theater, one is more used to casting people against type and trusting that their talent and skill will get them through.

Any actor will tell you there's more of a schedule to doing a television show. That's why you'll notice a lot of big movie actors are doing television, and they'll tell you, it's because of the schedule.

I'm used to the fact that the world views movie actors as personalities. I'm in the extremely fortunate position of making a living at something I'm passionate about. It's all about choices. By the nature of what I do, I make a choice. I invite them in.

Warner Bros. got into television very early, so I did a lot of television there. In the beginning, it was sort of okay to do television. But then it became this thing where movie actors didn't do television - they certainly didn't do commercials, because that just meant the end of your career.

Back 20 years ago, there was a division between movie actors and TV actors. That's kind of gone away. People who have had a lot of success in movies in the past now want to be on TV. There used to be much more of a quality division between TV and movies, and that's kind of not the case anymore.

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