Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.

Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.

Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your ...

Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your old comfort zone, pat yourself on the back and say, "I must be growing," and continue moving forward.

The secret to so many artists living so long is that every painting ...

The secret to so many artists living so long is that every painting is a new adventure. So, you see, they're always looking ahead to something new and exciting. The secret is not to look back.

Not to engage in this pursuit of ideas is to live like ants instead ...

Not to engage in this pursuit of ideas is to live like ants instead of like men.

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of ...

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.

First steps are always the hardest but until they are taken the ...

First steps are always the hardest but until they are taken the notion of progress remains only a notion and not an achievement.

Forget the past.

Just keep moving forward.

Change means the unknown.

Move forward with purpose

I'm always moving forward.

Life moves on and so should we

You have to keep moving forward

Stand up and walk. Move forward.

Out of difficulties grow miracles.

I'm moving forward to do the best.

You can only lose what you cling to.

All I can do is keep moving forward.

Life can only be understood backwards.

Are you moving forward, or just moving?

Fear is what inhibits us moving forward.

Forgiveness means letting go of the past.

Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

Stay on your toes and always move forward.

You can't move forward until you look back.

You stay elite by constantly moving forward.

Dreams are the touchstones of our character.

Omigawa is moving forward like a karate robot

Faith doesn't mean that you don't have doubts.

Let's move forward and fix America's problems.

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

In order to move forward, you have to look back.

We move forward, but we must stay in the present.

If you're not moving forward, you're falling back.

I wanna look forward; I wanna keep moving forward.

Politics is about moving forward, looking forward.

Sooner or later we've all got to let go of our past.

Everything must change, everything must move forward.

I always like to look on the optimistic side of life.

Loving someone is setting them free, letting them go.

One can never go back. One always has to move forward.

Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort.

I'm moving forward and getting new fans at every show.

Together we shall move forward doing [the Lord's] work

Keep moving forward and do what you have to do for you.

My vibe was to just move forward at a really cool pace.

As you move toward a dream, the dream moves toward you.

Baby steps count, too, as long as you're moving forward.

Girls you've gotta know when it's time to turn the page.

It is not enough just to wish well; we must also do well.

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