Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is not a scheme that can be run by money. ...

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is not a scheme that can be run by money. This scheme has to run with people's participation under the guidance of the MPs.

Being an MP feeds your vanity and starves your self- respect.

The only quality needed for an MP is the ability to write a good letter.

Sovereignty rests with me as an English MP and that's the way it will stay.

An MP is the only job where you have 70,000 employers, and only one employee.

The MPs are not adopting villages; it's the villages that are adopting the MPs.

Bangalore needs a honest, passionate and hard-working MP, and I will be that MP.

Any MP has to have a proper family life, they have to have support of their partner.

The dreadful truth is that when people come to see their MP, they have run out of better ideas.

Whether an MP is a woman or a man, it's about the qualities of the individual in doing that job.

Whatever position we may rise to, be it of MP, CM or PM, nothing can teach us the way villages can.

I have never tried to fiddle my role as leader of the city of Sheffield, as an MP or as a minister.

Maybe I was naive, but I thought the whole point of being an MP was to scrutinise legislation and improve it.

The problem is that many MPs never see the London that exists beyond the wine bars and brothels of Westminster.

I'm not the only Labour MP who sent their child to public school but I'm the only one who's questioned about it.

Who could be luckier than to be paid fairly well, which to be honest MPs are, for pursuing their hobby.? That's what politics is.

I foresee a Liberal vote so massive and the number of Liberal MPs so great that we shall hold the initiative in the new Parliament.

Family law is institutionally anti-male. I've been lobbying MPs, and I'm not going to give up campaigning for equality until I get equality.

When in that House MPs divide/If they've a brain and cerebellum, too/They've got to leave that brain outside/And vote just as their leaders tell 'em to.

I do love the idea of being able to take an MP to court for lying. There are ways and means of taking an MP to court just now, but it is very difficult.

Being an MP is a good job, the sort of job all working-class parents want for their children -- clean, indoors and no heavy lifting. What could be nicer?

Quite apart from the problem of the vote, it's bad for the image of Parliament that people take the trouble to come up and are not allowed to see their MP.

Members of the public would be forgiven for thinking that it is MPs who are lazy and that it is parliament that is failing to provide good value for money.

Our people need Labour party members, trade unionists and MPs to unite. As leader it is my continued commitment to dedicate our party's activity to that goal.

Making money isn't something to be ashamed of. There's a feeling now that if you have money you must have got it by some kind of shady dealing or being an MP.

Each day more coalition MPs in seats outside the South East come out against George Osborne's regional pay cut plans, and Vince Cable now claims they are dead.

It is my saddest day as an MP when my party brings in a bill which I'm fundamentally opposed to. I'm very sad my party has brought this in without any democratic mandate.

I knew how many MPs I had assigned to the brigade, how many military prison operations I would be running, but we needed to evaluate how many criminal prison operations we could support.

People feel that they're being required to meet all sorts of regulations and rules and requirements in their areas of work and MPs are not imposing those sort of restrictions on themselves.

In politics, the number of women in the cabinet has fallen and, if current poll trends continue and Labour loses a number of marginal seats, the number of female MPs is likely to drop significantly.

If we have to build the nation we have to start from the villages. I will present a complete blueprint of "Sānsad Adharsh Grām Yojana" where each MP, must establish model villages in their constituencies.

When I was deputy chairman I could travel from Glasgow to Edinburgh without leaving Tory land. In a two-week period I covered every constituency in which we had an MP. There were 14. Now we have only one. We appear to have given up.

We have decreased the salaries of everybody who partakes in politics, from the president to the prime minister to the MPs [members of Parliament]. We have cut expenditures that have to do with parliament. Everybody knows we are serious.

As a relatively young woman - I'm 33 - I hope to one day have a family and already have commitments. If and when I'm elected as an MP, I would face a choice: take my family with me to London each week or be apart for four, maybe five, nights a week.

This is a proud day and an important step forward in the fight for equality in Britain. The overwhelming majority of Labour MPs supported this change to make sure marriage reflects the value we place on long-term, loving relationships whoever you love.

The next General Election isn't about electing yet another Labour or Tory MP to join the hundreds of other Labour or Tory MPs in London. It will be about electing a candidate who will put solving people's problems before scoring political points. Someone who will fight for the future of our communities here in Clwyd West.

I'm a Conservative, but I talk for the ordinary working classes. I get on with the boys at the pub, but I can also mix with Prince Andrew. I understand both levels. The toffs haven't lived in council estates; they've just known big mansions. How can they understand how the postman feels? I would never say no to becoming an MP.

For me, to represent people who represent the future of Canada and the great challenges we will face over the coming decades - this is where I wanted to start. I'm a teacher; I'm a convenor; I'm a gatherer; I'm someone who reaches out to people and is deeply interested in what they have to say. And people see that I'm not faking it. I'm actually genuinely committed to this dialogue that we're opening up, and this understanding that needs to happen in order to be an effective MP.

Jeremy Corbyn couldn't have won without Labour changing its leadership election rules in 2014, but which more importantly got rid of the electoral college that had given MPs a third of the say over who leads the party. That's why Diane Abbott came last when she ran for leader in 2010, even though in the absolute number of votes she came third out of five. It's one of those wonderful historical ironies that the change to the rules was a victory for the Labour right, the result of a push back against the unions who had been asserting themselves more forcefully within the party.

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