People only have so much attention.

I don't pay much attention to sports.

Sunk costs? We pay too much attention to them.

I think the killers get far too much attention.

Boy, you gotta be real sick to get this much attention.

You'd be amazed how much attention $1 million will get you.

It doesn't seem right for anybody to get so much attention.

I was a tomboy and didn't pay too much attention to my clothes.

Too much attention and hoopla doesn't agree with my temperament.

No man is lonely eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention.

I didn't pay as much attention in school as I would have liked to.

I'm not one to be paying too much attention to what another dude's doing.

My father was always saying we were Serbs, but I didn't pay much attention.

I come from a past of addition, so I didn't pay much attention to politics.

I mean, I don't really pay too much attention publicly to what people think.

Flying a good airplane doesn't require near as much attention as a motor car.

At least I can say no player got as much attention from the Dream Team as I did.

Trolls don't deserve much attention. None of them are feeding or taking care of me.

There's been too much attention on marketing. Can't we just talk about the paintings?

There's nowhere in London where you can use a whip without getting too much attention.

I've never done anything in my career that has gotten as much attention as 'House of Cards.'

I always give much attention to military character and to psychological and morale conditions.

Historically, Congress hasn't paid much attention to the confines the Constitution establishes.

I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the rankings because calculations can distract you.

I don't pay much attention to career or what other people think. I've always been quite arrogant.

I didn't really come from money. So I wanted my thesis show to grab as much attention as possible.

I transform when I work, but on a daily basis, I really don't pay that much attention to my looks.

Sometimes we pay too much attention in Washington to public relations, as opposed to the substance.

Again, the truth of the matter is we haven't paid that much attention to high school accountability.

People sorta know my face, but I can still go out to the supermarket, and nobody pays much attention.

Well the press and things like that are pretty hard core, but I don't pay too much attention to that.

When a show has gotten as much attention as this one, everyone wants to join in with something to say.

I've been extremely lucky to be a part of these really great shows that have gotten so much attention.

I think it's difficult to be No. 1. 'There's too much attention, too much expectation from other people.

Playing for Iceland, you always find the stats are against you, so I never pay too much attention to them.

I recorded my first song, 'Greetings,' and it got so much attention on SoundCloud. I was not expecting that.

God has not made anything that I know of that pays so much attention to who their father and mother is as us.

I honestly didn't expect this much attention, but it just keeps happening so I must be doing something right.

Women now have to put so much attention into their careers, and not many families can pull off a single income.

You try not to pay too much attention to the hype before the game, because you never know what's going to happen.

I have always said that I do not pay much attention to what is said. Not to the positive and not to the negative.

As much as I say I am uncomfortable with too much attention, but in essence that's what I, every artiste works for.

Ferrari or Lamborghini. Never fancied one of those - too flash for me. I don't really like seeking too much attention.

I personally tend to be drawn to stories that aren't paid much attention to, or stories that aren't on people's radar.

We never have business meals at El Bulli. If it's about business, you're probably not paying much attention to the food.

This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one.

I haven't played quarterback since eighth or ninth grade. I didn't see it get much attention when I completed a pass then.

But, by just being myself, I end up touching a lot more people who might never have paid much attention to a female rapper.

The issue is the Republican Party has been paying too much attention to Wall Street and not enough attention to Main Street.

I am someone who doesn't pay so much attention to how I am looking. I get so involved in what I am doing, so I overlook that.

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