Riches cover a multitude of woes.

Charity creates a multitude of sins.

Martyrdom covers a multitude of sins.

The multitude of books is making us ignorant.

The tyranny of a multitude is a multiplied tyranny.

Pigheaded covers a multitude of virtues - as well as sins.

I think I can contribute to the team in a multitude of ways.

My height does help me. I can hide a multitude of sins in my height.

I have been a multitude of shapes, Before I assumed a consistent form.

There is a multitude of experiences that make up the black experience.

If I had followed the multitude, I should not have studied philosophy.

The blood of Jesus Christ can cover a multitude of sins, it seems to me.

Say what you want about long dresses, but they cover a multitude of shins.

Passionate dissent from the will of the multitude should be respected, not derided.

True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in the worth and choice.

Knowledge is the consequence of time, and multitude of days are fittest to teach wisdom.

The definition of the individual was: a multitude of one million divided by one million.

I ordered gold in the meantime to be showered down without ceasing among the happy multitude.

Mining asteroids will ultimately benefit humanity on and off the Earth in a multitude of ways.

The difficulty is to try and teach the multitude that something can be true and untrue at the same time.

Voluntary association produces the free market - where each person can choose among a multitude of possibilities.

I had suffered a multitude of injuries, as most guys in the business do. Most of them came at the end of my career.

A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors.

But a multitude of people, even the two hundred million of the Chinese empire, cannot subsist without civil government.

There are a multitude of mothers in the world who have a daughter who is stolen, or who are stolen daughters themselves.

I wasn't a spy. I'd have been spotted in five seconds. Yes, I was in intelligence, but that covered a multitude of things.

A novel is balanced between a few true impressions and the multitude of false ones that make up most of what we call life.

Peace is a day-to-day problem, the product of a multitude of events and judgments. Peace is not an 'is,' it is a 'becoming.'

Everywhere the sky is blue. There are a multitude of cuisines and dishes. I think of them as the languages and dialects of food.

My sense of divine brings with it a strange sound of music with its glories, a marvellous melody sounding like a multitude of flutes.

Stem cell therapy has the potential to treat a multitude of diseases and illnesses, which up until now have been labelled 'incurable.'

They who gain applause and power by pandering to the mistakes, the prejudices and passions of the multitude are the enemies of liberty.

For decades, the violence in the Middle East has claimed a multitude of innocent civilian victims: Men, women and children, Arab and Israeli.

To be old is to be part of a huge and ordinary multitude... the reason why old age was venerated in the past was because it was extraordinary.

He that goeth about to persuade a multitude that they are not so well governed as they ought to be shall never want attentive and favorable hearers.

I wanted to see how flavors, spices, and grains traveled back and forth along the Silk Road and were interpreted by a multitude of cultures' palates.

Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them.

Any bull market covers a multitude of sins, so there may be all sorts of problems with the current system that we won't see until the bear market comes.

Every day, we are bombarded with a multitude of toxins in the environment. We know that the negative health impacts from this constant exposure can add up.

Words will not be able to ever express how sorry I am for this, and I have profound regret and sorrow for the multitude of mistakes and harm I have caused.

No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.

Mr. Darwin refers to the multitude of the individual of every species, which, from one cause or another, perish either before, or soon after attaining maturity.

When we imagine our Universe to be just one out of a multitude of possible worlds we devalue this world, the one we see, the one we should be trying to explain.

There are obviously a multitude of brutal things that happen on 'Game of Thrones,' and the press or social media tend to latch on to particular things, don't they?

To write regular verses destroys an infinite number of fine possibilities, but at the same time it suggests a multitude of distant and totally unexpected thoughts.

Breaking with old friends is one of the most painful of the changes in all that piling up of a multitude of small distasteful changes that constitutes growing older.

Hersh's account of the bin Laden raid is a farrago of nonsense that is contravened by a multitude of eyewitness accounts, inconvenient facts, and simple common sense.

I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.

In science, as in art, and, as I believe, in every other sphere of human activity, there may be wisdom in a multitude of counsellors, but it is only in one or two of them.

High performers obsessively research their dreams from a multitude of sources. To become world-class, you have to know who has already cracked the struggle you face ahead.

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