Women alone stir my imagination.

My imagination creates my reality.

My imagination is a twisted place.

All i have in my life is my imagination

My imagination is my polestar; I steer by that.

Where am I when I'm not in reality or in my imagination?

Come, enter into my imagination and see me as I truly am.

How else would God speak to me, if not through my imagination?

You are the only woman who ever answered the demands of my imagination.

I just have a relationship with my imagination. It's like my friend, almost.

My imagination can picture no fairer happiness than to continue living for art.

I deserved to find pleasure that surpassed my imagination, better than any I had experienced.

Part of what I love about television is that my imagination gets to keep going. It doesn't stop.

What I really have in my head, my imagination, my understanding of music, I never really get that out.

I love working with technology because it allows me to follow my imagination and to invent new things.

I have visualised my imagination so clearly and so consistently that it has manifested itself into my reality.

I'm not a dancer, so I have to find a movement that belongs to me. I dance within my limits and with my imagination.

I do not hear in my imagination the parts successively, but I hear them gleich alles zusammen - at the same time all together.

If there's something more awaiting me in the future, I'd rather leave it up to God since what He creates is far better than my imagination.

Ideas seem to come from everywhere - my life, everything I see, hear, and read, and most of all, from my imagination. I have a lot of imagination.

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