The key for me is the way I take care of myself off the floor.

Getting old doesn't frighten me. But I've got to take care of myself.

I never care about myself out in public when I get the paparazzi swarming me.

Being able to take care of myself is something that my mom really instilled in me.

I realised no one else was going to care about me so I started to be nice to myself.

I used to worry I'd make a fool of myself, but I don't care what anyone thinks of me anymore.

I didn't really care if I had a coach that much, me personally, because I was brought up to think for myself.

I feel like I had to learn how to take care of myself and find out what made me happy aside from just making films.

As I graduated high school, it didn't faze me anymore. Right now, I don't even care what people think of me. I'm happy with myself.

There is a lot of pressure put on me, but I don't put a lot of pressure on myself. I feel if I play my game, it will take care of itself.

I don't really care too much about what people who don't care about me say about me, but a lot of times, you know, I get tired of defending myself.

I've been very fortunate that I haven't gotten injured a bunch. I try to take care of myself. I think, too, my size gives me an advantage in some ways.

I don't care much for equations myself. This is partly because it is difficult for me to write them down, but mainly because I don't have an intuitive feeling for equations.

I've had a number of injuries; I've had a number of surgeries, and I've been able to bounce back from them. I attribute that to Him as much as me just trying to take care of myself as much as I can.

As soon as you tell me to do one thing, I do the opposite. As soon as someone tells me not to get any more tattoos, I have this intense fire burning inside me to cover myself with them. I don't care if it's self-destructive. I just have that need to rebel.

I don't really care what other people see me as. I seriously don't. I've always worried about what my opinion of myself is. And I've always thought that it carries most weight. So I don't care what other people's opinion of me is or how they view whatever I've said or done.

When I got with Nina Greenberg, I had been running for a few months already without a trainer. But then she gave me a program and guided me through my runs, showing me how to take care of myself and letting me know I should ice my legs and stretch - stuff I hadn't been doing.

When I've lost weight, some fans get very upset because they want me to stay curvy. But my own self-worth and wellness regime has to do with my well-being and longevity, so if I make the choice to take care of myself, and the outcome is losing weight, it's disappointing that there might be some backlash.

Lucy Mercedes Martinez, my mother, was probably my first mentor. She really tried to take care of me in spite of myself, and in spite of her own struggles with alcohol. She was an immigrant who had never finished school. But she was also a Renaissance woman who read voraciously. She spoke several languages.

I want to make myself and the crowd happy by way of something different, and that makes things difficult. I'm never playing something that hasn't been released or no one has ever heard before because I care to deliver them what they were hoping to see from me. But also I play four or five songs that will definitely surprise them.

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