My continent knows more about me than I do myself.

Everyone around me has more confidence in me than I do in myself.

Expressing and loving myself is often so much more complex than 'out' affords me.

Anytime someone expects something from me, I expect about five times more from myself.

I blame myself more so because I hung a curve. If you want to point a finger, point it at me.

'Xen,' to me, was a necessary excursion inward, into myself. 'Mutant' is a response to it and is more extroverted.

The Cube was a wonder - a wonder for itself and a wonder for myself. To me, it was much more strange than to anybody else.

If you ask me about my chosen colour palette for the clothes I wear myself, I'm usually one for more neutral, subtle shades.

The things that interest me are less to do with perhaps finding myself and more to do with surviving and mercy and forgiveness.

There were a lot of rumors spread about me. Of course, I didn't show up to defend myself, so my absence helped create even more.

When I wrote 'The Da Vinci Code,' I told myself that this story of Jesus makes more sense to me than the story I read in the Bible.

I would not openly categorize myself as a sullen teenager, but that kind of role comes more easier to me than a bright, perky thing.

Mick has expressed an interest in coming to the gallery tonight because he's seen me behaving myself lately. He is being much more supportive, which is nice.

The public figure of the writer, the writer-character, the 'personality-cult' of the author, are all becoming for me more and more intolerable in others, and consequently in myself.

When you have a major movie star, and then they're surrounded by local extras, it takes me out or makes me more conscious of what's going on, as opposed to losing myself in the movie.

There are certain guys that are obviously a lot more talented than myself and a lot of the other players in the league, but... once you gotta play against me, all that's out the window.

I learn things myself. I call it YouTube University; YouTube has taught me more than anything. I learned how to tie a tie, all my pick-up lines come from YouTube reruns of 'Fresh Prince.'

I do enjoy manga but would not consider myself a 'super-fan,' only really connecting with certain works such as 'Lone Wolf and Cub,' or 'Tekkon Kinkreet,' the more breakthrough works, and 'Akira,' to me, is the daddy of them all.

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