It's a holy city for music.

I can't really change Nashville.

Nashville is a pretty small place.

Nashville's been like my second home.

Nashville, man. That's the place to be.

L.A. was never me. Nashville is my home.

I get my gossip from 'Nashville' on ABC.

You don't meet too many actors in Nashville.

I'll tell you, Nashville ruined country music.

I could easily make Nashville a permanent home.

I feel like 'Nashville' can go on indefinitely.

My favorite thing about Nashville is the parks.

I think Nashville could use some better shopping!

Theres nothing like Nashville for making records.

There's nothing like Nashville for making records.

Since I was a kid I just wanted to be in Nashville.

I loved Nashville. I was amazed by the whole place.

Nashville is coming up to be an amazing foodie city.

In Nashville, good guitar players are a dime a dozen.

Holland is to dance music what Nashville is to country.

When I came to Nashville, my personal life went to hell.

I wanted to live in Nashville. I wanted to sing country.

I want to go to Nashville and get cracking on this album.

The Nashville Network, that's all I would watch as a kid.

The greatest thing about Nashville is that it's welcoming.

Country music is worldwide - it's not just Nashville and Texas.

I still consider myself working in Nashville. I visit Hollywood.

There is nothing else to do in Nashville except for write songs.

My stuff lives in Nashville but I live wherever my children are.

Nashville is my home, and the reason why I get to do what I love.

Everybody now thinks that Nashville is the coolest city in America.

Nashville's like any other hometown - after a while, it's stifling.

Nashville has become sort of this go-to writing city for every genre.

It used to be that Nashville would work to develop promising artists.

Over the years I've had more and more of an association with Nashville.

I came to Nashville to go to Belmont. I went to school to be a student.

Real folk music long ago went to Nashville and left no known survivors.

But it's just been recently that Nashville has started to feel like home.

I was not ready fresh out of high school to hit the streets of Nashville.

I probably had the most fun recording For Richer For Poorer in Nashville.

I probably had the most fun recording For Richer For Poorer in Nashville.

In Nashville, as in every other city, there's no substitute for hard work.

I'd definitely love to play in Nashville again. That would be really good.

Im Sorry was one of the first songs to come out of Nashville using strings.

Nashville used to have more integrity than just looking at the bottom line.

I wanted to get better at writing, so I knew I needed to move to Nashville.

I've always been a big fan of Nashville, and I have friends that live there.

I love the show 'Nashville,' I mean, that's a show that's pretty incredible.

If I needed to record, I'd head to the coast or Nashville, one or the other.

We want to support Nashville, support the community there and be a part of it.

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