Grief - the actual, natural process of it - doesn't have a schedule that I can work my life around.

I always wanted to shave. It is a very natural process. For my birthday I got a lot of shaving stuff.

The thing about innovation in financial markets is they're always building on what has come before. It's a natural process.

I feel the emotion that life conjures up and the songs I write get me closer to my feelings and realising who I am. It's a natural process.

We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.

Clouds do not really look like camels or sailing ships or castles in the sky. They are simply a natural process at work. So too, perhaps, are our lives.

Why are we so terrified of a natural process that allows for life to be brought into this world? Why do we scramble to hide our tampons when we pull them out of our purses?

It was a natural process, because when we go to the ring we are human beings, but once you feel the punches and the competition that's when the beast comes out and takes hold of us.

It's not my goal to make so many movies. It's just sort of a natural process, and I'm just doing my job. And I'm not tied to any genre; I'm willing to do anything. I just keep going.

I know that my energy falls and rises with the phases of the moon. I rest in the winter. I wake up at my own pace, and I blossom in the summer. Life is supposed to be a natural process.

There's an identity crisis - a lot of us become mothers, and all of a sudden, we're expected to become these selfless people. That's not a really natural process. That, for me, never felt organic.

The way I made 'Diamonds and Dirt,' which had all those hits in a row, was that I was just making a record. It was just the one that rolled up in my natural process, and it happened to be commercial.

On TV, the children can watch people murdering each other, which is a very unnatural thing, but they can't watch two people in the very natural process of making love. Now, really, that doesn't make any sense, does it?

But when culture becomes a baggage, things don't work. What is good about anything that feels like a baggage? I think we should let go when it feels like a burden. Hold on to the things you love. Then it will be a natural process.

At birth, we are like cartilage - soft, flexible tissue. By the same natural process by which cartilage becomes hard bone, the soft, tender heart of an innocent child can become hardened by the circumstances into which she is born.

I feel somewhere there is a fault in this whole mindset of not accepting the natural process. To age gracefully, to accept life with grace has more beauty and charm. But you have to be fit and healthy. And that is something we should strive for.

It's not a natural process, 'American Idol,' but it does great things for the people that are on that show. If you don't walk away from it with some kind of positive outlook or find an opportunity to come from it, then I feel like that's a choice.

I have often said that just as the French revolution, for instance, understood itself through antiquity, I think our time can be understood through the French revolution. It is quite a natural process to use other times to understand your own time.

Anytime you interfere with a natural process, you're playing God. God determines what happens naturally. That means when a person's ill, he shouldn't go to a doctor because he's asking for interference with God's will. But of course, patients can't think that way.

People always say, 'Oh, I'd love to work with my sibling,' or 'My God, I could never work with my sibling.' It was just a natural process for us. We started collaborating on our first films and it evolved. We have a passion for film that we shared as we were growing up.

As far as how I create games, I'm just reflecting what I feel, the things I have in my mind. I put those out there. Some of the things that I'm going through, the things that surround me, might be reflected there. But for me, it's a natural process. I just reflect what I feel into the game.

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