I got my Nobel Prize for my lab work.

Nobody really expects a Nobel Prize call

I'm not aiming for the Nobel Peace Prize!

Nobody really expects a Nobel Prize call.

There's plenty of ordinary Nobel laureates.

I did not know that I can win the Nobel Prize.

I'm an idiot who won the Literature Nobel Prize.

It is the Nobel Prize I want. It's worth $400,000.

The Nobel Peace Prize opened up a door in my heart.

I was never going to be one of Nobel prize winners.

[Bob Dylan] is a worthy laureate for the Nobel Prize.

There is no magical formula for winning a Nobel Prize.

I am proud to perform at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert.

I grew up hoping that my father might win a Nobel Prize.

I think it is a mistake to judge science by Nobel Prizes.

I want to see a game designer nominated for a Nobel Prize.

Forget about Nobel prizes; they aren't really very important.

You should always use your Nobel prize money to buy property.

Physicists dream of Nobel prizes, engineers dream of mishaps.

Forget about Nobel prizes; they aren't really very important.

You would be amazed at the number of doors a Nobel Prize opens.

The Nobel Prize gives one the opportunity to take public stands.

The years since the Nobel Prize have been productive ones for me.

It's no secret that Europeans and Americans win most Nobel prizes.

I think more than 20 percent of Nobel Prizes have been won by Jews.

Nobel prizes are very special prizes, and it would be great to get one.

My long-range mission is to be the first athlete to win the Nobel Prize.

As soon as I got the Nobel Prize my back collapsed and I was in hospital.

I'm never going to be in danger of getting the Nobel Prize for literature.

I used the Nobel money to buy a house and for the education of my children.

President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize. What we need is only peace.

My wife thought I deserved it, but I always thought the Nobel a Western prize.

It's lovely to have money to give away - that's the bonus of winning the Nobel.

The farther the experiment is from theory, the closer it is to the Nobel Prize.

The process for awarding Nobel prizes is so complex that it cannot be corrupted.

George W. Bush will surely deserve that woolliest of all peace prizes, the Nobel.

Anyone can win the Nobel Prize if the scientist works hard on his research subject.

I thought they would never select an Eastern writer for the Nobel. I was surprised.

Some people think the Nobel Prize makes you bullet-proof. I never had that illusion.

Is my science of a level consistent with other people who have gotten the Nobel? Yes.

Now, I'm ahead of my father. He got other prizes... But he did not get a Nobel Prize.

I am practically in the employ of Mr. Nobel. I have to meet everyone he sends my way.

The prestige of the Nobel Prize is such that one is suddenly promoted to a new status.

It's not bad at all, getting a Nobel and making so many old fossils explode with rage.

There is no other prize in any country that carries the prestige that a Nobel bestows.

I've always felt that the Nobel Prize gives me nothing as far as science is concerned.

If I could explain it to the average person, I wouldn't have been worth the Nobel Prize.

Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize.

Political satire became obsolete when they awarded Henry Kissinger the Nobel Peace Prize.

If I could explain it to the average person, it wouldn't have been worth the Nobel Prize.

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