It's always fun to try non-traditional athletic wear with cutouts and fun textures.

There is a solo on 'Spiders,' albeit a kind of a non-traditional solo, but that's what I love.

We have a non-traditional family, and if it makes people uncomfortable, it's a shame that they are not more open.

I'm thrilled that ESPN has been the leader in trying to find opportunities for women in visible and non-traditional roles.

My father was a freelance writer/director/producer, and my mother was a stewardess for Pan-Am. It was very non-traditional.

My favorite thing about the Ultimate Queen Celebration is that we're not afraid to explore a non-traditional Queen set list.

There is a lot of food culture that goes on in the home and in the community in non-traditional ways. Food is a lot more than restaurants.

Like, in Asian culture, you have to be down with the family. You have to be down with all the crazy traditional or non-traditional things we do.

It took, for me, a long time to develop this idea of what to do on the radio. But from the beginning of my time in radio, I had pretty non-traditional tasks.

Cities have unique home-sharing policy needs - a dense, urban city may have different concerns than a historic vacation town or a non-traditional travel destination.

At the core of conservative social policy about race are old ideas that link racial inequality to non-traditional family formation and its attendant culture of poverty.

I have no difficulty with the recognition of civil unions for non-traditional relationships but I believe in law we should protect the traditional definition of marriage.

I think the legacy of the civil rights movement is that now whites are more open to being represented by people of color or people who are women or, again, non-traditional candidates.

I'm a grandfather now, and when I watch children's shows with my two-year-old grandson, Arlo, I'm delighted because it's completely non-traditional casting. It feels like a utopia. How the world should be.

When I was 14 years old, I went on location to film 'Mrs. Doubtfire' for five months, and my high school was not happy. My job meant an increased workload for teachers, and they were not equipped to handle a 'non-traditional' student. So, during filming, they kicked me out.

The reason that minorities and women don't have a better shot at getting elected to the Senate or to statewide office is because the campaign finance rules are so skewed as to make it very difficult for non-traditional candidates to raise the money necessary to get elected.

Pell grants are critical tools for lower- and middle-income students to access higher education, and by expanding access to year-round courses, we can help non-traditional students complete their education sooner, allowing them to start their careers and pay off their loans.

My husband and I have, in some ways, a non-traditional relationship - especially when it comes to domestic duties. He does most of the cooking, dishes, and laundry, while I do most of the yard work. I love to mow the lawn! And I take great satisfaction in planting and pruning.

At the end of the 1960s, I was part of the downtown theatrical movement in New York that was making work in alleyways, garages, gyms, churches, non-traditional spaces. The idea was to get away from the illusion of the conventional theatre. But then I thought, what's wrong with illusion?

I think people are hungry for new ideas and leadership in the world of poverty alleviation. Most development programs are started and led by people with Ph.Ds in economics or policy. Samasource is part of a cadre of younger organizations headed by entrepreneurs from non-traditional backgrounds.

I am very hopeful that my personal success in Qatar will ignite others, especially those in the so-called non-traditional sports, to try even harder because now they can see for themselves that significant achievements can be attained. But let me stress that it takes a lot of work - in fact, very hard work - mixed with very heavy doses of patience.

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