Nonprofits are the intermediaries between generosity and social change.

Nonprofit status is what created the Bible Belt. The tax code brought religion back to this country.

The number of great museums and nonprofits versus the number of corporate headquarters is incredibly out of whack.

The problem most nonprofits have is that they are run by romantics who are great to hang out with, but they have no clue.

Managing university finances is very tricky business. We're nonprofits. We're not supposed to accumulate large surpluses.

Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without being related to you and repeatedly questioning why you're in nonprofit.

Perhaps the most striking feature of the [nonprofit] sector is its relative freedom from constraints and its resulting pluralism.

Too often we're happy to receive thanks from the nonprofits we fund, accepting gratitude instead of feedback or performance measurements.

I cannot belong to a nonprofit organization because when you receive grants, you have to make such great compromises with your artistic plans.

I am involved in a lot of nonprofits. And when I reached the ripe old age of 60, I wanted to provide leadership to some I had been involved in.

Today the Internet is run by private sector interests within the United States under the supervision of a nonprofit entity formed by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Too often, nonprofits are viewed as rigid and bureaucratic - less nimble and capable of adapting in this fluid environment than our corporate counterparts. I don't agree.

There's a general intuition around the nonprofit world these days that younger generations are less likely to join. But I have found in my research that that's quite wrong.

We often have an exaggerated sense of what nonprofits and governments are doing to help the poor, but the really inspiring thing is how much the poor are doing to help themselves.

Future public education will require involvement and collaboration among various local, civic, private and nonprofit entities, a concept I like to refer to as community entrepreneurship.

I felt that one of the things God impressed on me was that I needed to start a nonprofit corporation, so that any money that came my way, whether it was an honorarium, a book sale or a gift, would go into a nonprofit ministry.

Unlike optogenetics, where there are existing nonprofits that give away the DNA for free or at cost, expansion microscopy requires chemicals to be used, so having a company that makes the chemistry kit that anybody can use can save time.

Everybody in life is pursuing money: left, right, charity, nonprofits, everybody's pursuing money. Everybody wants a raise. Everybody wants to improve their standard of living. Everybody wants to be rich, and especially those that go to Washington.

The spread of online information isn't just good for charities. It's also good for donors. You can go to a site like Charity Navigator, which evaluates nonprofits on their financial health as well as the amount of information they share about their work.

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