A lazy frost, a numbness of the mind.

Absent the edge, we drown in numbness.

Pain is always preferable to numbness.

How do you get so empty? Who takes it out of you?

He was numb except for dreading the loss of numbness.

I was as hollow and empty as the spaces between stars.

Until the bitter end, the emptiness inside her was hers alone.

She’s never where she is,' I said. 'She’s only inside her head.

Winning intoxicates you, and numbs you to the sufferings of others.

How nice -- to feel nothing, and still get full credit for being alive.

Anaesthesia, that's one technique: if it hurts, invent a different pain.

There's a numbness in our culture to the continuing horrors of genocide.

We do not truly speak except at a distance. There is no word not severed.

One must go through periods of numbness that are harder to bear than grief.

As long as I kept my body moving I could forget about the emptiness inside.

But what would that be like feeling the tide rise out of the numbness inside

Given the choice between the experience of pain and nothing, I would choose pain.

Violence is its own anesthetist. The numbness it induces feels very much like calm.

Who took away the part so essential to the whole Left you a hollow body Skin and bone.

I felt deeply tricked. Stunned. And furious. I also felt my default emotion: numbness.

When I fell out of the light, I entered The stomach of indifference, the wordless cupboard.

Personal voice- prophesy- disrupts the state of communal numbness in which most of us exist.

He wondered if this was what clinical depression felt like, a total numbness, a weary lack of hope.

I grow numb; I grow stiff. How shall I break up this numbness which discredits my sympathetic heart?

In this world of numbness and information overload, the ability to feel, my boy, is a rare gift indeed.

I had nothing and I was still changed. Like a costume, my numbness was taken away. Then hunger was added.

Wasn't it time she risked getting hurt again, instead of just accepting the numbness of never letting anyone in?

She began to feel like the plastic doll she had been named after, without even a hole where her mouth was supposed to be.

Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past.

I have carpal tunnel so I can't write more than four hours total without tingling numbness. I take a lot of breaks and do stretches.

I felt very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.

I think there's a certain numbness in modern society, that accepts certain kinds of violence, but represses other kinds of violence.

Of course there is nothing the matter with the stars It is my emptiness among them While they drift farther away in the invisible morning

This behavior may...counteract feelings of'numbness'and depersonalization that aries duriing periods of extreme stress.-153 Girl,Interrupted

Your numbness is something perhaps you cannot help. It is what the world has done to you. But your coldness. That is what you do to the world.

The body shuts down when it has too much to bear; goes its own way quietly inside, waiting for a better time, leaving you numb and half alive.

... when he kissed her, she received the kiss without returning it, her eyes wide open, not afraid, not a virgin's eyes, just flat and uninvolved.

Very depressed today. Unable to write a thing. Menacing gods. I feel outcast on a cold star, unable to feel anything but an awful helpless numbness.

This morning I suddenly catch myself: I'm not there, I'm so lost in thought, I don't know what's going on around me. Can you think yourself to death?

No matter what feeling comes up - numbness, irritability, shame - if I let it arise and play itself through, I naturally open into wakefulness and care.

The primary dues a writer or any artist pays is to remain sentient, and to forfeit the illusionary luxury of such anesthetics as avoidance, numbness, and denials.

I'm up all night against my will My medicine won't let me feel anything at all The doctor gave me sleeping pills and I took one Then I feel all alone, sleeping like a stone.

She examined me, she looked at me critically and said, "Why are you trying to starve yourself?" To keep myself from feeling love, from feeling lust, from feeling anything at all.

There is a feeling of disbelief that comes over you, that takes over, and you kind of go through the motions. You do what you're supposed to do, but in fact you're not there at all.

Writers matter in a society to the extent that we can help that society hear its unvoiced longing, encounter its erased and disregarded selves, break with complacency, numbness, despair.

I'm something that I used to be. I'm never where I feel I am, and if I seek myself, I don't know who's seeking me. My boredom with everything has numbed me. I feel banished from my soul.

I am nothing. I’m like someone who’s been thrown into the ocean at night, floating all alone. I reach out, but no one is there. I call out, but no one answers. I have no connection to anything.

You've faced horrors in these past weeks... I don't know which is worse. The terror you feel the first time you witness such things, or the numbness that comes after it starts to become ordinary.

I want someone to pinch me so I can feel something, anything. I'm sick of this numbness, of feeling so alone and outside of everything, but I know it's too dangerous to wake up." —Ruth Mendenberg

Her heart began to ache, and she felt the numbness slip away. Misery welled up inside her. She clamped down on it, trying to hold onto the deadness that had blanketed her emotions for the past few days.

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