There goes a river dragging an ocean behind it.

A drop in the ocean has no fear of a hurricane.

Animal protection is education to the humanity.

Whilst breezy waves toss up their silvery spray.

The ocean is worth writing about just as man is.

The entire ocean is affected by a single pebble.

The desert is an ocean in which no oar is dipped.

We put the murderer in charge of the crime scene.

The sheen of ocean gleams on the blue fish-plate.

In this ocean of hours I'm all the time drinking.

To me the foundation of all life is in the ocean.

Swells, Marina? we ocean, depths, Marina? we sky!

We have ploughed the vast ocean in a fragile bark.

I'm scared of heights and I'm scared of the ocean.

A lot of people attack the sea, I make love to it.

I could never swim in the ocean after seeing Jaws.

Living submerged at the bottom of an ocean of air.

If wishes were fishes, the world would be an ocean

Your heart is like the ocean, mysterious and dark.

And I'll stand on the ocean until I start sinking.

My boat is on the shore, And my bark is on the sea.

I was very much disappointed in the Atlantic Ocean.

The sea is flowing ever, The land retains it never.

Plastic doesn't have to be ocean plastic pollution.

The ocean is a large drop; a drop is a small ocean.

Regret... when it comes to you, I have oceans of it.

My soul is full of longing for the secret of the sea

I grew up flying over oceans and moving and sailing.

The sea appears all golden. Beneath the sun-lit sky.

Infinity is a dark illimitable ocean, without bound.

You're an island of reality in an ocean of diarrhea.

There'll be oceans of talk and emotions without end.

And an ocean can swallow you, even when you can swim.

There's a never-ending ocean of techniques out there.

Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space.

Ocean waters..oceans deep..Serious poets never sleep.

The world's finest wilderness lies beneath the waves.

Every breath of air we take is coming from the ocean.

We need to do a better job of keeping oceans healthy.

Limitless like the ocean are your excellent qualities.

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

Even the upper end of the river believes in the ocean.

Every time I slip into the ocean, it's like going home.

The aeroplane is tragically unsuited for ocean service.

My favorite place to vacation is anyplace by the ocean.

Is n't God upon the ocean Just the same as on the land?

What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean.

Geniuses are like ocean liners: they should never meet.

Man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free.

The land is dearer for the sea, The ocean for the shore.

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