Some of my greatest pleasures have come from finding ways to overcome obstacles.

Human interaction is the key force in overcoming resistance and speeding change.

I'm quite happy there is a man in the world who can overcome my record, finally.

People aren't overcome by situations or outside forces. Defeat comes from within.

The basic assumption of the secular society is that modernity overcomes religion.

There is no weapon in the end as difficult to overcome as the tongue of an enemy.

We all have obstacles. The feeling of satisfaction comes by overcoming something.

Joy is of the will which labours, which overcomes obstacles, which knows triumph.

Love in an animal sense is an illness, but a necessity which one has to overcome.

We will able to overcome all that because five of us were together and not alone.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

The meaning I picked, the one that changed my life: Overcome fear, behold wonder.

Everyone is going to face challenges. What defines you is how you overcome those.

There are moments when the human body can overcome things you would never expect.

God will take care of what you go through. You take care of how you go through it.

She who is more ashamed of dishonesty than of poverty will not be easily overcome.

You don't overcome challenges by making them smaller but by making yourself bigger.

If you do not overcome your tendency to give up easily, your life leads to nothing.

I don't know how you overcome the dearth of scientists in the government positions.

In the face of an obstacle which is impossible to overcome, stubbornness is stupid.

It is easier to overcome people's judgments than to overcome our own self-judgment.

To overcome any sort of fear is satisfying, and to overcome it well is even better.

Being brave doesn’t mean we have no fear - it means we refuse to be overcome by it.

Being aware of your fear is smart. Overcoming it is the mark of a successful person.

There were some ups and downs. But it is about how you overcome those ups and downs.

Either you can do it or you can't. I think I can overcome anything I put my mind to.

It is always in the midst, in the epicenter, of your troubles that you find serenity.

Arguing, after all, is less about seeking truth than about overcoming opposing views.

The lack of belief is a defect that ought to be concealed when it cannot be overcome.

I have had my set of fears in most of my movies. But the fun lies in overcoming them.

The man who most vividly realizes a difficulty is the man most likely to overcome it.

We are the Captains of Spaceship Earth...we have the capacity to overcome our limits.

No matter what comes your way, just don't let it phase you, you can overcome anything.

The last to be overcome is death, and the knowledge of life is the knowledge of death.

I don't need to relive my fears anymore. All I need to do now is try to overcome them.

When I do overcome my fear - what's going to happen is that I'm going to want a plane.

Faith is not for overcoming obstacles; it is for experiencing them—all the way through!

I prided myself on working as hard as I could, trying to overcome a learning diability.

I am the one whose love overcomes you, already with you when you think to call my name.

When healers yearn to kill then hope begins to die ... Evil cannot be overcome by evil.

I suppose half of writing is overcoming the revulsion you feel when you sit down to it.

In overcoming prejudice, working together is even more effective than talking together.

He that knows how to overcome the Lord in prayer, has heaven and earth at his disposal.

Sin turns ugly and is subject to defeat only when seen in the light of Christ's beauty.

Sport has the power to overcome old divisions and create the bond of common aspirations

I expect the audience to assume TV is stupid. I accept that it's my job to overcome it.

Being idealistic really helps you overcome some of the many obstacles put in your path.

All limits exist only in the mind, and it is only in the mind that they can be overcome.

Success isn't measured by what you achieve, it's measured by the obstacles you overcome.

There's nothing like overcoming something that scares you so much. Nothing feels better.

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