The rumors of Radziwill fortune have been vastly overstated.

I don't like things too overstated in the cut or too perfect.

The importance of tackling inequality in Africa cannot be overstated.

Few new truths have ever won their way against the resistance of established ideas save by being overstated.

Social Security has been effective for 70 years; prior predictions of its demise have been totally overstated.

The importance of the river cannot be overstated in the history of the country, or the development of the nation.

Better understated than overstated. Let people be surprised that it was more than you promised and easier than you said.

It can't be overstated how wonderful it is not to have to audition any more. Any actor will tell you, it's like Christmas.

The entire debate around a 'No Deal' Brexit assigns a vastly overstated importance to the role of government in daily life.

The emotive power of hummus all over the Middle East cannot be overstated, being the focus of some serious tribal rivalries.

My work is as an ethnographic rescuer: a conduit between past and future generations. The urgency of this effort cannot be overstated.

The pleasures of mental agility are much overstated, inevitably - as it now appears to me - by those not exclusively dependent upon them.

I think we've overstated that God is the God who wants us to obey. Obedience is not the end game. Obedience is only our calling so that we can step into our freedom.

Most elderly are retirees with relatively low incomes. But some may possess assets, and they will be classified as poor. As such, the elderly poverty rate could be overstated.

Guantanamo Bay is a first-rate detention facility that's kept terrorists off the battlefield and kept America safe. It's critical role in our national security cannot be overstated.

When Proposition 8 passed in California, some were quick to blame minority voters, some of whom had voted for both President Obama and Proposition 8; however, these claims were later debunked as being overstated.

There is a lot of talk in the academy about the death of the humanities. Based on my readers' response and their interest in history and literature and art, the death of the humanities has been grossly overstated.

The idea that children are passive repositories to be shaped by their parents has been massively overstated. A child's peer group is a far greater determinant of its development and achievements than parental aspiration.

My affinity, as a novelist, with Dickens has been overstated. I relish the way everything in his prose pulsates with life force, and I'm in debt to him every time I invest inanimate objects with uncanny animism. But his female characters annoy me.

Dr. Rice's record on Iraq gives me great concern. In her public statements she clearly overstated and exaggerated the intelligence concerning Iraq before the war in order to support the President's decision to initiate military action against Iraq.

It is a tenet of my investment style that, on the subject of common stock investment, maximizing the upside means first and foremost minimizing the downside. The deleterious effect of permanent capital loss on portfolio returns cannot be overstated.

Your tenacity is a larger deciding factor in your success than however good or bad an actor you may be. I feel like that's just something that cannot be overstated enough for people getting into the business. You have to really want it more than anybody else.

We are seeing entrepreneurs issuing their own blockchain-based tokens to raise money for their networks, sidestepping the traditional, exclusive world of venture capital altogether. The importance of this cannot be overstated - in this new world, there are no companies, just protocols.

That literary-popular distinction is, in my view, vastly overstated. At the far poles there are clearly books that are purely commercial and purely literary, written for audiences that want to see the same thing enacted over and over and over again. But the middle is where most people read and most people write.

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