Every good painter paints what he is.

I'd like to write the way Matisse paints.

An epic is the canvas Brian DePalma paints on.

A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.

Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is.

The film 'Black Hawk Down' paints the Somali people as wild savages.

When one paints an ideal, one does not need to limit one's imagination.

My 20s were spent in a room, alone, mixing paints and figuring it all out.

I think beauty comes from within, and society paints a ridiculous picture.

Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized.

Celebrities love the NFL just as much as the guy who paints his face every week.

You know, if one paints someone's portrait, one should not know him if possible.

Frost is the greatest artist in our clime - he paints in nature and describes in rime.

I crave to be able to photograph the way a painter paints - in a loose, expressive way.

Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.

Spend as much time as you can in silence. Look at the way the sun paints the ground gold.

The artist writes, paints, sings or dances the burden of some idea or feeling off his mind.

I never know what I'm going to put on the canvas. The canvas paints itself. I'm just the middleman.

All I wanted was to connect my moods with those of Paris. Beauty paints and when it painted most, I shot.

Slowly poetry becomes visual because it paints images, but it is also musical: it unites two arts into one.

When I have a day off, I won't spend it at a Hollywood party. I'd rather be at home with paints and a blank canvas.

Words in a person's word stock are like paints on a palette. It helps to have just the right shade when you need it.

Painting is a blind man's profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen.

Jerry Garcia used to take his paints on the road. I don't do that. Either I'm a singer or a painter. I'm not good at multi-tasking.

My dad's wife, my stepmom, is a serious painter. My dad also paints. My mother is a brilliant sculptor, and her husband is a sculptor.

Filmmaking is a very collaborative art. Unlike a painting that an artist paints sitting by himself, as a director, you have to work with a team.

Most dystopian, classic and contemporary, paints a future world that puts a twist on present society - a future world that could plausibly happen.

I am a huge fan of 'Ready Player One,' and Ernest Cline's book paints the most accurate and vivid portrayal of the metaverse we've built here at Roblox.

I have no ideas about what the paintings imply about the world. I don't think that's a painter's business. He just paints paintings without a conscious reason.

Most elected officials don't want you to know about the world of political fundraising because they fear that it paints an unflattering portrait of public life.

My mum says I was the best kid ever; you could put me in a corner with a box of paints and I'd be happy for hours. They'd say, 'Lynne, Lynne,' and I wouldn't hear them.

My dad is Caucasian, and my mom is African American. I'm half black and half white. Being biracial paints a blurred line that is equal parts staggering and illuminating.

The riot isn't seen in the movie, but it is alluded to. He has this one speech that gives a great sense of texture and paints a picture of what was happening in Harlem then.

My father and grandfather were businessmen. The family business was Adelphi Paints in New Jersey. When the first energy crisis came in the early 1970s, the business suffered.

The administration needs to speak honestly with the American people. Exaggerating our progress in defeating the insurgency or in creating an Iraqi army paints a dangerous picture.

There is nothing that special to see when looking at me. I'm a painter who paints day in day out, from morning till evening - figure pictures and landscapes, more rarely portraits.

Good romantic suspense can never underestimate the audience, and the best political leaders know how to shape a compelling narrative that respects voters and paints a picture of what is to come.

Is it crazy that George Bush, ex-President of America, now paints pictures of dogs? Tiny, little, nice pictures of dogs, after all the suffering that he caused? That's crazy that he's doing that!

The painter paints, the musician makes music, the novelist writes novels. But I believe that we all have some influence, not because of the fact that one is an artist, but because we are citizens.

My father is a well known artist, Ted Dyer, who has been painting for many years. Our work is very different, but growing up surrounded by paintings, paints, easels and art books does have an effect.

I do quite a lot of art, with a small 'a'. I guess that is how I was dredged up, with paints and crayons. Even when I was at nursery, I knew instinctively how to mix colours, how to make purple or orange.

Most people think I do street art, so I do everything for nothing. I'm an urchin who paints walls and does work for nothing. That's the first misconception about street artists, that we just paint for nothing.

The painter... does not fit the paints to the world. He most certainly does not fit the world to himself. He fits himself to the paint. The self is the servant who bears the paintbox and its inherited contents.

I'm always going to take an experience and a fire beat and marry it all together with adult melodies. I try to paint, just like Frank Ocean paints with his lyrics. I try in similar ways to paint my life into these songs.

A strange thing is memory, and hope; one looks backward, and the other forward; one is of today, the other of tomorrow. Memory is history recorded in our brain, memory is a painter, it paints pictures of the past and of the day.

I do paint, and I wanted to actually be a painter. Sometimes I'll whip out paints. It's tough to find the motivation, but it's also a solitary, lonely occupation. What I like about acting is that it is such a collaborative thing.

No one purposefully paints a bad painting. It's someone who's trying to do a good painting, but it's terrible. I have one with a matador, and the bull is going through the blanket. You can tell the painter didn't know how to paint it.

White... is not a mere absence of colour; it is a shining and affirmative thing, as fierce as red, as definite as black... God paints in many colours; but He never paints so gorgeously, I had almost said so gaudily, as when He paints in white.

The way Ben Gibbard paints a picture, you feel like, 'I was there that day with him.' You really feel the way he paints pictures and speaks and talks. It's almost like talk-singing. Paul Simon does that very well as well. He's a huge influence of mine.

I remember one time in my junior year, in my art class, our teacher had us doing, like, finger paints, and I went and put a stripe on a girl's shirt, and it turned into a big paint fight. Paint all over the walls, all over everybody. It was pretty fun.

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