I'm very partisan, but I'm also very fair.

Partisan politics has no place in the classroom.

Registering people to vote is not partisan activity.

We are looking for bipartisan solutions not partisan rhetoric.

No patriotism is genuine that is merely partisan or provincial.

The Dalai Lama should not be partisan either, should remain above.

Disease is a non-partisan problems that requires a non-partisan solution.

When it's for the good of your state, you put partisan differences aside.

To call me a partisan hack is ludicrous. [...] I am the least partisan person I know.

My passion for ideas is not matched with a passion for partisan or electoral politics.

The left defends their, whatever you want to call, partisans, activists or what have you.

The media claimed to be non-partisan, centrist. It's not been that way for a lot of history.

It's nice to say let's be bipartisan. But we're a partisan nation. We were raised as a partisan nation.

The superior man is universally minded and no partisan. The inferior man is a partisan and not universal.

I was confident that it [would] not in any way affect my ability to be impartial, objective and non-partisan.

The main discomfort in being a middle-of-the-roader is that you get sideswiped by partisans going in both directions.

As a rule of thumb. Congressional legislation that is bipartisan is usually twice as bad as legislation that is partisan.

Hitler decided that Mussolini must be freed from the Italian Partisans because Benito was his friend and had acted in good faith.

Even [Ernst] Hemingway, perhaps the most intentionally non-political of American writers, became passionately partisan during the Spanish Civil War.

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