They also serve who only stand and wait.

The principle part of faith is patience.

Patience is a virtue; virtue is a grace.

Patience is the greatest of all virtues.

When you get mad, it's the time you lose

I'm a slow walker, but I never walk back.

Sufferance is the badge of all our tribe.

Above all, trust in the slow work of God.

Everything comes if a man will only wait.

Patience and fortitude conquer all things.

The best fire doesna flare up the soonest.

Don't cross the bridge til you come to it.

Don't halloo until you're out of the wood.

Well, we must wait for the future to show.

What is so certain of victory as patience?

He preacheth patience that never knew pain

Infinite Patience brings Immediate Results.

Patience is the direct antithesis of anger.

Lack of pep is often mistaken for patience.

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

Don't get impatient when it takes too long.

I guess good things come to those who wait.

Patience is the analogue of God's serenity.

Heaven grant us patience with a man in love.

Hopelessness has surprised me with patience.

The fates have given mankind a patient soul.

For patience, sov'reign o'er transmuted ill.

Sad Patience, too near neighbour to despair.

I work with patience, which is almost power.

Patient endurance / Attaineth to all things.

The greatest power is often simple patience.

Listen. Pay attention. Treasure every moment.

With patience everything comes in due season.

A weed is a plant we've found no use for yet.

Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius.

A man without patience is a lamp without oil.

Master books, but do not let them master you.

Our patience will achieve more than our force.

Patience is the best remedy for every trouble.

Patience means restraining one's inclinations.

Whoever knocks persistently, ends by entering.

With love and patience, nothing is impossible.

Patience is not a virtue. It is an achievement.

Patience makes a woman beautiful in middle age.

Genius is only a greater aptitude for patience.

All things come round to him who will but wait.

All things come to him who waits - even justice.

Difficult years lie ahead, patience is required.

Patience ornaments the woman and proves the man.

God, teach me to be patient, teach me to go slow

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