I always see other people as predecessors and admire them.

It's always weird when people come out to see you because everything's mostly online now.

I'm always astonished to see how badly people can behave when they think no one is noticing.

I always thought that's the wonderful thing about filmmaking: people see things differently.

See, there were certain rules I'd always used, and people like Trane, they would break those rules.

Some people see writing as a white-collar career, but I've always approached it as a blue-collar writer.

You do see some outrageous things and people in Beverly Hills. I'm not always quite sure what to make of it.

People are always surprised to see clues to my being a normal kind of guy. As if I'm somehow letting the team down.

There is always the underground rapper people enjoy, and you want to see him come up. That's kind of how it is in wrestling.

I never leave my computer open. That becomes a big OCD thing. If I see people leaving their laptops open, I always close them.

A lot of people see the highs but not the lows. But I've always believed in my ability and that's why I got through my rough patch.

No one always or never does anything. People don't see themselves as one-dimensional, so you shouldn't attempt to define them as such.

I've always been aware of what I've been able to do and my ability to bring interest to a match and make people want to tune in and see.

I want to always break stereotypes. It is fulfilling as an actor to be able to do that, especially when you see people and the audience loving it.

I've always played all the old songs. I'd go and see Peter Gabriel or Madonna and be surprised if they didn't play all the hits. People don't want to come and hear the B-sides.

With NXT there are always going to be a few people who are still developing because that's what NXT is, but that's really exciting because you get to see them thrown into the deep end.

London has always been a haven for victims of cruelty, and been improved by them. Yet I can see it changing now. Outsiders are demonised, there are little bits of legislation, people are scared.

One thing that I would like to get across is that even the most horrible events do have explanations that we can understand. And it's not always comfortable for us to understand, because in order to understand, we have to see how we're not so far away from the people in question.

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