Dallas Austin... where do I begin? I adore him - he is one of the kindest people I know.

The avantgarde are people who don't exactly know where they want to go, but are the first to get there.

Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.

You know, I'm not unwilling to listen to people just because where they're coming from. I'll listen to them, but I'm not going to be beholden to them.

I don't know where everything is going, but I'm pretty confident that people like books - the objects. So I'm going to go on that -they're not going to disappear.

Fiction basically is a form of gossip where you want to enter other people's lives, the lives of people you don't know, and you want to know what's going to happen to them.

When people know that you're going to give them the ball where they want it, then they're going to try to do the same thing for you. And then, they're going to play hard defensively.

There's five cameras, I don't know how many people in the audience... depending on where we're taping, there can be anywhere from 300 to 5,000 people, so the contestants are nervous.

People have different styles: Some are filers and some are pilers. The people who pile things often know exactly where things are, and they're often just as organized as the people who file things.

I think the things I wanted answered have been answered by people in the know that we can't talk about, so I'm perfectly happy with how Chewie came to be where he is and what is going on in Episode III.

I was fortunate that I was at newspapers for eight years, where I wrote at least five or six stories every week. You get used to interviewing lots of different people about a lot of different things. And they aren't things you know about until you do the story.

We're in transit so often and when we're moving from one place to the next and I have to be very alert and present and aware of where we are. You know, just like protecting our gear and making sure we get from one place to the next safely, being around so many people's energies. It's not just like a totally open and relaxed state to be in.

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