People never know how strong is their lust for being cheated.

I never know what kind of people I'll meet just by stopping to take a photo.

If some people didn't tell you, you'd never know they'd been away on a vacation.

I never know how to get off the phone, so I'm terribly admiring of people who can.

I don't know any celebrities. I know a lot of people that most people have never heard of.

I don't write off silly pop people at all, because you never know where they're coming from.

Our actions - and inaction - touch people we may never know and never meet across the globe.

I never realised how overwhelming it could be to be loved by people who don't even know you.

Among those people not graduating, there might be a Steve Jobs or Barack Obama. We'll never know.

The people know their rights, and they are never slow to assert and maintain them when they are invaded.

It's really never fair to judge people because none of us know what's going on inside anyone else's head.

When people are confronted with something they've never seen before, they really don't know how to react.

It's so lovely to know that people who you would never think know about Bollywood, they know about Bollywood.

I've tried very hard and I've never found any resemblance between the people I know and the people in my novels.

People never know what's going on while it's happening. You think, during the Renaissance, people called it 'The Renaissance'?

You never know when what you do in the arts means something to people, and you never really know if you've been received well.

I just don't get my hopes up. I don't expect too much from people in the league because you just never know what could happen.

I never did like Cleveland. Don't know why. Didn't like the town. Now, the people are all right, but I just didn't like the town.

I've had a few arguments with people, but I never carry a grudge. You know why? While you're carrying a grudge, they're out dancing.

I know that people who have been to RADA and LAMDA can smash accents and do Shakespeare: all those things that I never really trained in.

A lot of people give up just before they're about to make it. You know you never know when that next obstacle is going to be the last one.

With a lot of projects, you never know if it's going to be executed properly. And also, you never know if people are going to respond to it.

People make up things. If you ask the guys in this clubhouse I played with, I've never been a troublemaker. I don't know where that came from.

When I first played at the Apollo, the owner didn't even know who Sharon Jones was. The Apollo had never seen so many white people coming uptown.

I know some people who've gotten tattoos that they probably shouldn't have, like the name of somebody they were dating, and that never ends well.

People tend to say, 'You're not as fat or as ugly as I expected.' I never know how to reply. It's a bit of a slap, but they don't mean it, I'm sure.

I wouldn't say I was a massive comic fan growing up, just because I now know people that really are, and I would never claim to be in that same category.

I can tell you this: I'm an extremely passionate individual. I try to be careful how I display it because you never know how people are going to take it.

I may not expect every single show to sell out and I never take everything for granted, but you still know you're going to get a certain amount of people.

People are quite shocked when you remind them that Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra never wrote a song that they recorded in their lives, as far as I know.

We know darned well that in Bosnia, certain governments and the secretary had said tens of thousands are needed in Srebrenica and those people were never provided.

All of our actions have consequences whether we know it or not. We never know what people are going through until something tragic happens - if they don't talk about it.

I never talked about launch angle, never mentioned launch angle. I know there's a lot of people probably hoping that I would say that because that's just the trend in baseball.

We think that we know people from this constellation of points: 'I know that story. I know that girl. I've heard that story a thousand times.' But actually, you never know that story.

I've heard of it, but I don't know too much about Tinder and I've never even dreamt of going on it because there is no need to at all. But if people want to delve in it, there's no harm. Each one to his own.

Of course I expected to rise so quickly. I know what I'm capable of. Even though other people didn't know, I was going to make sure they knew exactly who Alexa Bliss was, and I was going to make sure they never forgot it.

I don't think we know who a lot of these athletes are. We think we do, but they're never allowed to be themselves. Because the minute they try, people are saying, What's wrong with him? Why is he drawing attention to himself?

You know, it's a big version of an episode, which I think is necessary at this point because we're drawing in people who not only people who have seen the show before and are devoted to it, but people who have never seen it before.

Something that I think I figured out slowly was if you're playing a show and there's a chatter or there is, you know, a lot of noise - people talking or something - I was never the one whose instinct was to try to be louder than them.

I think for marketplace businesses, and when you think about online dating, it's not a social network. It's not a place where you go to talk to people you already know; it's a place you go to interact with someone you've never met before.

There were plenty of people who didn't know that I played for United. I'm not one of those people that puts themselves out there. And I was never satisfied to be playing for United at 14 or 15; I wanted to play for Manchester United's senior team.

I want to go to Denmark and Scandinavia. We've been inundated with their telly recently, and I've never been to any of those countries. I really want to get to know the people. I quite fancy living there for a bit if I could take a month off. They just seem like upfront, friendly folk.

I'm one of those people, since I was 5, I could tell you I was going to have kids. I could tell you I was going to have three. I could tell you they were going to be girls. But I have never wanted to get married. I never played bride. I was never interested. I don't know what it is; I never wanted to get married.

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